Hatchery with the "Best" Saipan Jungle Fowl?? PLEASE READ!!

My Saipan ladies from Purely Poultry. 10 months old. These are the chicks in the earlier post. They free range, get a lot of deep woods time and are good at avoiding predators. Top picture they chased away some deer from a feeder. I'm looking for a rooster for for them. two of them started laying eggs.

Wow! Nice pix & beautiful ladies! I don't know if they look "right" either but I like them. And they look so happy! Any rooster will be a lucky guy to have this pretty flock!
Thank you,

They are great pets, fun to watch. No bugs, lizards or field mice around our house. I have no doubt they're not the real deal, but they earn they're keep. I have Six red sexlinks that make up for the low egg production, also have 8 more 4 weeks old. Hope to get a good rooster out of that batch.
The day finally got here! Been waiting since Feb. to get 2 orders of Saipans. My Ideal order came in last Thu. & Cackle on Fri. The Ideal were very sterdy chicks, about the size of a Rock of one of the meaty birds. Heavy legs & yellow with some dark markings randomly. The EXPENSIVE Cackle order in on Fr. Only 1 out of 10 dead but 1 "runt" died on day 2. They are all yellow & range from the size of the D'Uccle or D'Anver bantams to maybe Leghorn size with tiny legs. I don't know if either are the "Real Deal" but I'd put my $ on the Ideal ones for health & steardyness. Will post pix ASAP if anyone wants to keep track (besides me) of these cool chicks as they grow.
I'm interested!
I'm brand spanking new to chickens, only had my starter chicks for 2 weeks and am looking to order what I "really want" and am looking into the different breeds. I'm debating between the Siapan and the Red Indian, but leaning more towards the Siapan. Are these guys aggressive at all? Should I just keep like 1 rooster and 2-5 hens and then go from there as far as hatching them out on my own and raisign them up and either keeping or selling them? And what do you do with all the roosters that you can't get rid of?
My hatchery Saipans are nice, and nice to the new ones I got. By nice I mean they don't rip the feathers out of their heads, like the red sexlink I have. Aka "boss lady". Some did challenge me at first. I would just grab them and pick them up and talk nice to them.There is nothing scary about a chicken. Get them used to being handled. Make them assoiciate you with food. Say the same thing everyday when you feed them. I make mine take a walk with me to get their food. Once they started laying eggs they calmed down a bit as well. They will never be snuggly pets, but you will enjoy them. My family laughs when they come over and I yell for my chickens and the all come running from the woods like like I just call role call. Get the hatchery Saipans. My 2cents.
Yes, I got all the Saipans from Purely Poultry. They all looked the same at first, I have to say after having them for a couple of months 3 of them were runty. One did not make it. I did get what I was looking for though. Three males that look really healthy, and three females that look healthy as well.
Well i moved my chicks outside to "stage3". The chick tractor. Will try to get pix to upload. Ive marked the ones from Ideal Hatchery with BLACK marker on heads & from Cackle with RED marker. They will be 3 weeks pld in 2 days.

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