Recent content by Zhoen

  1. Zhoen

    MPS&FM Maryland Poultry Swap **Sharpsburg** June 14th 8-2

    Hey y'all, I'm looking to buy 3-4 new chickens, preferably hens that are already laying. I love Easter Eggers, but DD7 has specifically requested "a chicken that lays white eggs.) Mixed breeds are ok if they are fun-looking (we had one a few years ago that had a Mohawk, I swear!) I was...
  2. Zhoen

    Our new little friends...

    Yay! Thanks!
  3. Zhoen

    Our new little friends...

    Can a silkie mix be full-sized like this? I've only had silkies once, and they were little.
  4. Zhoen

    Our new little friends...

    Not sure of anything yet, they've only been with me a couple of hours. :) If "she" starts crowing, that would be a giveaway, or if I get 4 eggs in a single day... oh the excitement.
  5. Zhoen

    Our new little friends...

    I just picked these ladies up tonight from their previous home at a petting farm. I hope they won't be too disappointed with life in suburbia after growing up as the center of attention at a "real" farm... This one we are calling Ruby. (Disclaimer, the kids got to pick the names!) She...
  6. Zhoen

    Ameraucanas, Delawares, Marans, Bantam Cochins and a Silkie

    Unfortunately for us that's a bit too far a drive. Soooo disapointed! 6Chicks, good luck with the hubby... tell him 3 hours is NOTHING for the right hen... I've gone further :)
  7. Zhoen

    Ameraucanas, Delawares, Marans, Bantam Cochins and a Silkie

    Do you have any ladies that are laying blue eggs? I soooo want a hen with blue eggs, but here in suburbia I can't just buy a ton and hope for the best. Also, where in "northern PA"? I'm down in MD and trying to figure out what kind of drive we're talking.
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