Our new little friends...


7 Years
Aug 15, 2012
I just picked these ladies up tonight from their previous home at a petting farm. I hope they won't be too disappointed with life in suburbia after growing up as the center of attention at a "real" farm...

This one we are calling Ruby. (Disclaimer, the kids got to pick the names!) She seems to be the boss-- holds her head the highest, was the first to take treats from us, and see how she is sort of guarding the others? What do you think? Basic Red Star?

This one is Socks, almost as creative as "Ruby," right? She is little, has a small comb and beautiful patterns on her feathers. Just gorgeous.

This is Henrietta, she has plain yellow legs (no socks).

And last, but certainly not least, is Midnight. Feathered feet, funny shaped almost purple comb. My first guess would be a Maran... but she has this funny kind of poof on her head like an 80's mall girl. She has already won my heart because when I got them home, Midnight and Socks where sharing a travelling box, and when I opened the box, I found them both asleep, and Midnight had Socks (who's little, remember) tucked under her wing. It was really cute.

Ok, so those are my new girls. Their old nest had a greenish egg, a brown one, and one that looked pale, maybe even white, but I didn't look at that closely. I was more interested in getting them boxed and home... I figured there's plenty of time for eggs in the days and months (and hopefully years) to come.

So now, rain down your wisdom upon me :)
I just picked these ladies up tonight from their previous home at a petting farm. I hope they won't be too disappointed with life in suburbia after growing up as the center of attention at a "real" farm...

Red Sex-link or Production RIR

This one we are calling Ruby. (Disclaimer, the kids got to pick the names!) She seems to be the boss-- holds her head the highest, was the first to take treats from us, and see how she is sort of guarding the others? What do you think? Basic Red Star?

Partridge Cochin

This one is Socks, almost as creative as "Ruby," right? She is little, has a small comb and beautiful patterns on her feathers. Just gorgeous.

EE maybe?

This is Henrietta, she has plain yellow legs (no socks).

Silkie mix

And last, but certainly not least, is Midnight. Feathered feet, funny shaped almost purple comb. My first guess would be a Maran... but she has this funny kind of poof on her head like an 80's mall girl. She has already won my heart because when I got them home, Midnight and Socks where sharing a travelling box, and when I opened the box, I found them both asleep, and Midnight had Socks (who's little, remember) tucked under her wing. It was really cute.

Ok, so those are my new girls. Their old nest had a greenish egg, a brown one, and one that looked pale, maybe even white, but I didn't look at that closely. I was more interested in getting them boxed and home... I figured there's plenty of time for eggs in the days and months (and hopefully years) to come.

So now, rain down your wisdom upon me :)
production red (you sure thats a hen?)
partridge cochin
welsummer maybe
silkie mix

Not sure of anything yet, they've only been with me a couple of hours. :) If "she" starts crowing, that would be a giveaway, or if I get 4 eggs in a single day... oh the excitement.
Can a silkie mix be full-sized like this? I've only had silkies once, and they were little.
Production red, and I agree it looks boyish. I guess time will tell.
Pretty partridge cochin. Probably your cream colored egg, or maybe the silkie mix
Henrietta sounds like a Welsummer, but if you enlarge the pic the comb isn't a straight comb. Since you got a green egg I'm thinking she's an easter egger.
Silkie mix. Unless this girl is mixed with an easter egger and laying green eggs, that would make Henrietta a Wellie. If you get dark terra-cotta eggs, she's a Wellie.

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