
British Tailed Araucana

Information about Araucana They are a hardy, easy to look after no nonsense...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Original Blue
Breed Temperament
Breed Colors/Varieties
Lavender, Blue, Black/Red, Silver Duckwing, Golden Duckwing, Blue/Red, Pyle, Crele, Spangled, Cuckoo, Black and White
Breed Size
Large Fowl
Information about Araucana

They are a hardy, easy to look after no nonsense chicken,dependable,robust and ideal for the family environment.Their soft feathering allows them to do well in low winter temperatures and their soft fleshy head parts are very much reduced minimising the possibility of sunburn, frostbite or cuts.


Ideal for the backyard chicken keeper and for those with families with their calm and friendly personality, they are easily tamed and a real pleasure to own. Araucanas are happy free ranging or being in confinement.


Original blue eggs for at least five years

The British tailed Araucana breed is fundamentally identified by its blue egg colour, cheek muffs, beards, ear tufts, "eyebrows", small "pea" comb and crest. It is all these features in the right proportions that tell you that you have an Araucana. If any of these fundamental characteristics are missing, the bird you may be inspecting is in fact likely to be either a hybrid or a different breed.
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Latest reviews

Pros: Quirky, crazy, beautiful, unique, great layer, not flighty
Cons: Can be hard to come by
I have a Lavender Araucana that has tail feathers. I really really love this breed. Our girl, Loca, is named because she is "loco" (crazy). She is just the quirkiest animal I have ever owned. She is a fantastic layer, we get 5-6 eggs a week from her and when she is not covered in mud she is a very unique and interesting looking bird. She is also not flighty whatsoever, I have never seen her try to fly. Also what amazes me is how smart she is. We put straw in their run so they can forage through it and she will pick up the straw, put it in the water, dip it and then eat it, softening it so it is easier to eat. She is a smart girl. And of course those blue/green eggs are to die for. I can absolutely recommend this breed, they are amazing chickens. Everyone should own an Araucana.
Do you still have them? I would like to buy chicks or fertile eggs
Pros: Friendly, docile, inquisitive, good layers of blue eggs, quiet
Cons: Sometimes their crest makes it difficult for them to see, not very danger savy, good flyers
I've had 3 BTA's - 1 lavender pullet, 1 splash roo and 1 red brown hen (both the splash and the red brown are non standard colours).

All 3 were very friendly and sweet chickens, with inquisitive demeanours. Always the first to greet my when I entered the coop, regardless of whether I had treats or not. For the most part they are a quieter bird, although I'm not sure about the roos as the roo I had, I swapped him for a hen before he ever crowed.
The pullets/hen make soft chirping sounds.

I consider their flying ability to be a con. I lost my lavender pullet to my dogs when she decided the grass was greener on the other side of the run and flew over the fence.

Their egg colour is a lovely blue.

All in all they are sweet, friendly and somewhat cheeky chickens - one of my favourite breeds and I will always have at least one in my flock.


Are these the same as Lavender Amercauna or are these your LAMs in the avatar and not the British Arcauna?
I like the tail idea.and I assume a bluer egg than the Amercauna?
Where do you find them to purchase?
These aren't the same as Ameraucanas, no.
In my avatar was my Lavender British Tailed Araucana pullet.
The egg colour is a bit paler than Ameraucanas.
I live in Australia where they are fairly common, I don't know where you'd find them in America.
Do you still have your British Tailed Aracaunas? I don't know if you would consider selling hatching eggs, but I've really been wanting this breed. Do you know of any breeders?
Love your review by the way! They sound like lovely chickens.
Hi Delphinium - Yes I do still have my Tailed Aras, but I don't breed them. I only hatch out fertile eggs I buy from other breeders when I have a broody hen.

Where abouts are you located?

Item information

Chicken Breeds
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Habibs Hens
Last update
4.67 star(s) 3 ratings

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