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  • I definitely think you should predator- proof your pen. You should also definitely also put a camera up just in case. If that dose not work and you keep on loosing chickens and there are not any predators on your camera then look in on the glass situation.
    I'm sorry for your loss. Another thing you can do is set up a trail camera. Those are the type of cameras that hunters use. You would need to put in sd card (and batteries) in it to capture more pictures of the predictors that are coming in the pen and killing your chickens
    Rather than capture pictures of the killers, it would be better to predator-proof your pens. They will be back. Try to predator-proof your pens and record any more attacks so that you can see how they try to get in and see what the predator(s) is. Some, like raccoons, are very smart, so you have to be very thorough in protecting your flock.
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