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  • I got your info from a post I did on fb. I hope you don't mind me contacting you.
    I have a one year old hen who came down with an infection. Her ONLY symptoms have been lack of eating, drinking and pooping and everything else is normal. The infection was confirmed with a blood test, however, I don't know the type of infection and apparently neither does the vet. We put her on Sulfamethoxazole TMP for 10 days. So far she's had 3 doses. I know we can't eat the eggs while she's on the antibiotic. My questions are - Do you know the typical withdrawal period after the antibiotic is complete (the vet doesn't know this either, ugh) and is it safe to eat her eggs prior to giving her the antibiotics? I have no idea how long this was going on and have about 5 dozen eggs saved up from her and 8 other chickens. I really don't want to throw them out if I don't have to.
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