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  • Hi. I live in Florida and I love my birds. Currently we have 13 hens ( 3 domineckers 8 RIR & 2 white rock) u have 2 white rooster and recently I gained a new rooster.. he just showed up one day so after 3 days of feedings he decided to stay. I also have have 4 Peking ducks (2 pairs).
    I raise them fid my own pleasure and also to teach my grandchildren about them about responsibility.
    I have recently changed my screen name. My title says “Previously bluee” instead of “Chillin’ With My Peeps.” Will the “Previously bluee” title go away?
    BYC Support
    BYC Support
    Yes, it goes away 5 days after the username change.
    We think the treadle feeder we made is the bomb and are going to produce & sell it on eBay and to local retailers. Or at least that is the plan which we hope works because SS isn't what it was promised it would be and we could use a bit extra $$. Is this something that we could offer for sale thru your site? Happy of course to pay a percentage to the site. No rush. Thanks, Lisa
    How can I upload an Excel spreadsheet that I'd like to share?
    BYC Support
    BYC Support
    You can't upload excel spreadsheets as attachments, but you could upload it to Google Drive and post a link.
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