

The Ameraucana was developed in the 70's by a few people who were trying to standardize the...
Pros: Gorgeous, beautiful eggs
Cons: flghty, reserved
Ameracaunas are among my favorite breeds, but they are not the friendliest chickens I have. Still my flock would be lacking without them. I have a few chicks and I hope that spending time with them now, while they are young will help to lessen their fear.
I now have 9 Ameracaunas in total, they remain the prettiest birds in my flock but all of them are super shy and won't come near me at all. It's funny given that so many people have friendly birds. I now have 3 year-old laying hens, 2 seventeen week old pullets, and 4 eight week old chicks.Would they be less shy if they had their own pen? Or a pen with other calmer birds...like Brahmas? I'm not sure how to befriend them and would welcome any advice on this front.
Pros: Beautiful birds, exquisite coloring. Lovely pink or blue eggs. Good brooders.
Cons: Not super friendly. Can act really pissy when you take their eggs.
I currently have 4 Ameraucanas along with a bunch of other girls. They're my 2nd favorite dual purpose birds. I never get tired of watching them with their exquisite coloring and subtle variations. They are not pets, they're for eggs and eventually the table but I've become so fond them I'll probably keep them forever, they're just that lovely. Ours lay pale pink eggs and lovely pale turquoise eggs. Very good brooders as well.


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Ameraucanas are wonderful chickens!! They lay beautiful blue/green eggs! They are also timid with other chickens but some individuals are bold and can be mean to
other chickens!! They still do ok with different types of chickens!!
This breed comes in a variety of colors and are sweet when petted!!
I recommend this breed!!
Pros: Just plain gorgeous
Cons: Little moody
I purchased Coco last year and she is my favorite bird. She may be a little moody but she is the most beautiful bird I have ever seen. She looked like a little owl when I first bought her and she is as gorgeous now. Although she is the dominant girl in my hen house, she is great with me and my little kids. I purchased 2 more this year.
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Pros: Friendly, Good Layer, Beautiful
Cons: None
I love them so much that that is all I raise now. I have Black, White, Splash, and Lavender/Self Blue. They are always friendly and lay gorgeous blue eggs.
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Pros: Great personality, Good egg production, easy to hold, small comb so no chance of frostbite.
Cons: Loves free ranging a little to much-doesn't always come when I call.
Love this breed. Favorite for kids to hold because they are on the small side. Their personality's are amazing, I love watching them free range!!!
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My father-in-law has a flock of Ameraucana hens, since seeing his flock I have fallen in love with the breed

He does not have a Am rooster. So I'm waiting patiently till I get my own.
Pros: BEAUTIFUL! friendly, not dominant, beautiful egg colors, good towards other chickens, very sweet even when not tame
Cons: None that I can think of
I really enjoy my Ameraucanas. They are great birds and are absolutely gorgeous! I totally recommend them to everyone.
Pros: They are very friendly and an extreamly docile breed. They lay beautiful blue eggs. They tolerate heat well and are very cold hardy.
Cons: It can be very hard to find true Ameraucanas. They do mature a little slower than some other breeds so you may not get your first egg until they are around 6 months old.
We raise blue, black and splash Ameraucanas. We adore them! The roosters are wonderful with the hens and not aggressive towards us at all. They are an excellent breed!
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June 2018
Hermits Garden
Hermits Garden
It's good to see a comment on this thread that differentiates between Ameraucanas and Easter Eggers.
We have a few of them and they are very nice and tend to stay calm and not mean. Looking forward to seeing our's grow more over the next year.
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Pros: Lays every day, gets along with other chickens, beautiful.
Cons: None.
I have a darling Ameraucana named Lana (after Lana Del Rey). She lays beautiful, creamy green colored eggs every day. The only problem I have with her is that she is skittish, but I'm sure this is just her and not the breed, as we got her at 4 months old and she had not had a lot of human contact. She is now 7 months old and getting friendlier every day!
Pros: Nice big blue eggs
Cons: skiddish at a young age
I have both hard feathered and silkied feather and love the way they look, chatter, and lay beautiful eggs. I will be working on a Chocolate AM that I got from a very reputable breeder. Everyone should have at least one. My flock of AM's consists of Wheaten, Black, Blue hard feathered and Black, Blue and Splash silkied feathered.
Pros: blue large eggs, friendly nature, pea comb
Cons: none
The gentle nature of the Ameraucana is evident with my lead hen. She makes her presence known by raising her head followed by a possible peck or two and nothing more. When I sit, she immediately hops into my lap to be stroked. She is lovely to look at with her full muffs and beard, slate colored legs, and golden feathers.
Pros: Friendly, docile, blue eggs
Cons: Can be flighty
Great birds. The friendliest cockerels I've ever had. Love to be hugged. Mine have orange eyes!
Pros: Gerogeous birds, Lay beautiful eggs, I love to show them, Friendly
Cons: None that I can think of
Ameraucanas are georgeous birds. My favorite variety are the blue, but i love them all (white, black, buff, wheaten, blue wheaten, brown red, silver and the un accepted colors too lavender and splash). The blue eggs they lay are so pretty too. Personally Ameraucanas are my favorite breed. The first chicken I ever had was an ameruacana. I love to show them. All of mine are docile, really cold hardy, friendly, and I have realized other people have said that they pick on their other brds, but I have never had that problem with them. Also it seems like a lot of people say theirs are skitish, maybe I have been lucky but all mine are as friendly as could be. And speaking of cold hardy, I live in Indiana and the weather is so umperdictable, it get really cold and reallly warm. They do really well during the winter (I have never had one get to cold and die or anything like that). And as long as they had a shady place to relax they were good when it got really warm at. I think Ameraucanas are awesome birds and would make an awesome addition to your flock.
Pros: fun to watch, friendly, beautiful eggs
Cons: none that I've found
I originally got Ameraucana's because of the egg colour. Who could resist green/blue eggs? Once I started to raise them...well! The first thing that struck me was how much they resemble predators, with those beards puffing out the sides of their faces. When they face you straight on...totally reminds me of something out of Jurassic Park
. But on the flip side of that coin, when they come racing over to you to get their treats and their beards are swinging free...
they are just too cute for words!
I have had them in my flock since 2009 and can't imagine a bunch of girls without them. They add character to the yard (not that mine really needs much more character LOL) and colour to the carton. I really adore them.
I've read a few posts that people find them unfriendly and aggressive with other birds; I have two different batches of them in my flock right now. The first I got in 2009 and the second in 2011. The girls in 2009 I spend a fair amount of time with as they were my first shipment of chicks. These girls are supremely friendly, very docile, don't run away when I try to touch them they just sort of move out of the way of my hand and then look at me. The girls from the 2011 shipment are more stand-offish. But they will still come running to get treats and only one of them is what I would call aggressive. Interestingly, she got sick last winter and when she got better, it was like she wasn't going to take any more crap from anyone and started to assert herself. She really got picked on a lot when she was ill.
Anyway, I'm babbling here (get used to it folks, it happens a lot
). End story: LOVE my Ameraucana's!
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Pros: These girls are sweet, funny, and give such pretty eggs
Cons: none so far
Americaunas are friendly and very nosy so they are just a hoot to have in your flock!
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Pros: Lovely eggs and fairly calm breed and I love the muff
Cons: Doesn't lay well over the winter
If you aren't going to get your eggs from the grocery store then why have eggs that look like they did. I love my rainbow carton of eggs and can not understand why the regular grocery store eggs don't come in more colors. What kid isn't going to ask for the pack of eggs that are green. My daughter and I love the eggs and the people who buy eggs from my daughter also love the variety of colors. Our Ameraucana has always been a sweet bird that comes up for treats and get along well with the other breeds. I would highly recommend this breed.
Pros: beautiful feathering, big boned chicken, really nice temperament
Cons: skittish
We have an Ameraucana rooster who is the sweetest guy. He's a gentle giant, and he likes attention. He's a little skittish and doesn't like being caught; he'll run from us regularly. However, he relaxes right away when we do catch him. He keeps order in the coop really well. We have two other roosters who live in the same flock (12 chickens total), and he gets along with them really well. He goes out to the run to herd his girls in when it gets dark, and he'll break up hen fights and rooster scuffles. I had heard that Ameraucana roosters can be mean, but ours is a teddy bear.
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Pros: Friendly, nice eggs
Cons: Can't think of any
I have seven of these chickens full grown and four lay blue and green eggs every day. They lay eggs that are large and medium
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