Reviews by 5th chick


Super Admin
Pros: good egg layer
Cons: became vicious
Our Dominique is close to a year old. She was constantly handled and loved to sit in our laps for love and petting. she would lightly peck at our pant leg to get us to pick her up, and she would peck at the back door to get us to let her inside. One day in January, she was sitting with her head down and not moving. She was clearly sick. Since she was our favorite I took her to a Avian & Exotic animal vet. The pumped her up with antibiotics and other fluids and sent me home with two RX's that we had to shove down her throat twice a day for two weeks. She got well but has never been the same. She charges us to bit us, and she bits so hard that she breaks the skin; and the wounds are deep. She is third in the pecking order, and picks on my Speckled Sussex unmersifully. We can't believe that she would remember the medication drama after all this time. I wanted to give her away, but my husband won't do it. It breaks my heart, but i can't be near her because my arms are already scared. Anyone have had a similar experience.


Pros: lays every day. Good natured and beautiful
Cons: small eggs
Coco seemed to be very independent and great forager from day one. We didn't give her enough attention, so be sure to give your Sussex lots of tactile stimulation from day one. She is the biggest bird but at the bottom of the four chick pecking order. I would equate her to the fat girl being bullied in school. We give her lots of attention now and she thinks she is a inside (the house) chick. She stands at the back door and knocks, with her beak. So cute. Our Dominique was our favorite until several months ago, and then it was like a switch flipped in her, and now she is aggressive and literally bites us so hard that she draws blood. She used to sit in my lap all the time and let me love on her. She is third in the pecking order and really picks on Coco.
I wonder if there is a way to influence the establishment of the pecking order??????
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