Reviews by beerlady


Super Admin
Pros: Once they start laying I'll let you know if there's anything nice to say
Cons: Flighty, unfriendly birds.
I have 2 Cuckoo Marans since hatching and they still act completely feral despite all attempts to socialize. They're still too young to lay yet so I might have something positive to say about them in a few months, but temperamentally they prefer keeping to themselves and and act like I plan on murdering them every time I see them (they may be onto something).


Super Admin
Pros: Friendly, doesn't mind being handled, in fact likes it, really good egg layer.
Cons: None!
Sadly I just lost my Buff Orpington, Cora, but she was hands down the most wonderful pet. She wasn't quite a lap chicken, but she ran to greet me at the gate when I got home each day and would also run to me when treats were to be had. She also liked to be picked up and carried around the yard. She consistently gave me 6 eggs a week.
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