Reviews by Cargbrock


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Pros: Great egg layers, bears confinement well, does well in mixed flocks, friendly
They are very great birds. Amazing egg layers. Very friendly. I would love to have a LOT of these.


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Pros: Docile, broody, motherly, quiet, make good pets, bear confinement well, do well in the cold
Cons: Not good egg layers, bullied, can't see well, feathers on legs can freeze
I adore my silkies. SImply adore. I could never ask for a better bird.
Pros: Bears confinement well, Does well in mixed flock, does well in all types of weather, friendly, gorgeous, good egg layer
I have a partridge Rock and she is the absolute BEST. She is, by far, our sweetest chicken. She gets along well with the others. She never pesters or bullies anybody. She doesn't mind being touched and held. She is a very good egg layer and never hides her eggs from us, like some of our others do.
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Pros: Pretty, Good egg layers, Does well in mixed flock
Cons: Skittish, unfriendly, Bully others
I have the buff orpington bantams and most of them were MEAN. We only have one sweet hen. She is very skittish and fast, but once you catch her, she doesn't mind being held. They don't like to be held, nor touched.
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Pros: Loving, Curious, Easy going, Great egg layer, bares confinement well, does well in all weather
I ADORE my New Hampshire. She is one of our sweetest chickens. She runs up to you when you walk outside and follows you around. Plus, she is gorgeous.


Super Admin
Pros: Beautiful, Go well in mixed flocks, Quiet
Cons: Skittish, Top hat freezes when wet and cold, Can't see well
I had six golden laced polish. One died as a chick, two were killed by dogs, one was culled because he was attacking my mother, the last two are still with us. We were left with one rooster and one hen. Our rooster is FANTASTIC. He is very good to our hens and leaves us alone for the most part, though he does challenge me every once in a while. I like them a lot, but they are too skittish. They're not the type of bird that would be kept as a pet (with exceptions of course).
Most people say they are not good in a mixed flock because they can't see, but ours do very well.
One of our problems is that our hen hides her eggs. We haven't had a Polish egg in months, which is horrible because we wanted to hatch a few.
I wouldn't recommend this bird for people who want pets, but if you want them for viewing, they are a good choice. We are even thinking of ordering a few silver laced sooner or later.
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