Reviews by Chelsa'sChicks

Pros: Lays almost daily, great at free ranging, and the roosters are Great!
Cons: A hens are little more flighty then some breeds and can be picked on.
I have 2 BPR hens with other mixed breeds all together. They lay well - even with age and love to roam/free range, but they are both at the bottom of the pecking order and can be picked on. My last two roosters, however, (before my current now) were both BPR. They are in my opinion the perfect rooster. Both roosters sadly died defending the hens whom were all safe and accounted for each time. They are only aggressive when they see fit. My large dogs were attacked a few times for disrupting the hens EX: being hyper directly next to them or bursting through the calm hens while they ate. When I say the dogs were 'attacked' he just jumped at them once with spurs (no blood) to tell them to knock it off. They are great roosters with kids! They are not so good with small dogs. I can't help to laugh still, but I have a long haired miniature dachshund who was assaulted by my BPR rooster multiple times. Its not the roosters fault though I feel, as the dog is short and has a long body and could easily resemble a mink or weasel in a roosters eyes. I swear the rooster would go out of his way to find my small dog, but that also shows the rooster is brave and intelligent to know my small dog would be around.. After all the rooster didn't know he was a dog.
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Pros: Friendly, sweet, and great with the hens
Cons: Nothing
I do not have hens yet, but I do have a Buff Orpington Rooster. I was given my BO rooster as mine had died. I did not have him as a chick only as a cockerel (3 months old). He stands above my knees (when he was only 7 months old) and is extremely handsome. He is very sweet and took to my hens almost immediately (within 10 min) no fighting at all. He's very gentle with them. No issues with him and dogs/kids. Great at going out free ranging with the hens and always returns back to the barn with them. If my BO rooster sees me walking outside he always will run to me seeking treats. If anyone needs a rooster I would highly suggest either a Buff Orpington or a Barred Plymouth Rock. I have read that BOs are too sweet to protect hens, but I have witnessed some mild aggression (when necessary) toward my dogs.. like when the dogs go bursting down the middle of calm hens eating. My BO rooster will also view surroundings and find the tallest landscape to stand on to view for possible predators. I have had different breeds of roosters and these 2 breeds are by far the best!
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Pros: Extremely intelligent, large to xlarge eggs, quite birds, perfect free rangers, and lay daily.
Cons: Eventually they die of old age.
This breed is one of my favorites. They are extremely intelligent! The hens are brave, and if handled often as chicks they are even more open and friendly like a BO. They are not a flighty breed. Very large birds! Their large brown eggs are so large they sometimes do not fit into an egg carton.. so take caution when closing the lid. They are also excellent with free ranging! I have never had to herd them in the barn, they are always in with in the hour or 1/2 hour before dusk. They are a very independent breed that requires no fussing over them and will make due and find what they need with or with out you, but at the end of the day still appreciate the treats you bring them. Very weather hardy! I live with winter temperatures that drop -0 (F) with windchill and they have no problems, and continue to lay. They come and go as they please and come when I whistle a specific tune. I would 100% would suggest this breed! Great with kids and dogs.
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