Reviews by ChickTucson

Pros: Attractive, Tall, Good Layers
Cons: Don't hold their own very well, Not too friendly
I really like my Easter Eggers. I think they're so pretty and I love their eggs. Those eggs have very thick shells. I wonder how chicks ever hatch from them. These were the prettiest chicks at the store. They grew into the prettiest birds. We have a red, a buff and a chocolate hen. They're nice enough, but they are the lowest on our totem pole in the flock. They are always missing a bit of feathers. Since being the closest to me, means the closest to treats and food, the other birds try to keep them away. I think this makes them the least friendly bird, so it is not their fault. I really like them. They are sweet girls.
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Pros: entertaining, gentle, beautiful, personality, cute
Cons: none
All of my birds love their treats. My Ancona knows where the treats are and goes to them and calls for me to get them out for her. She is friendly, allows anyone to pick her up and hug her. She does not fight handling. She is very docile and permissive. I know that many people say this breed is flighty and she surely does fly quite a bit higher than the other birds like to. I have heard them described as the "Acrobat of chickens" she is nimble and agile. Much more so than my other flying footballs. She doesn't try to escape or fly at anyone. I only notice that she likes to roost high and she likes to be up so she can see. I think it's cute. She does have a very specific call that she makes. This is very particular to her and I can tell she is making the noise. It sounds kind of scratchy and demanding, but I think it is cute. I'll put up with anything from her. I guess that makes me a crazy chicken lady, but my fiance really really adores her too. She is a pretty small bodied bird and not very tall. She is the 2nd smallest next to the Silkie/ Cochen mutt. We really like her. This breed deserves more stars!!
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