Reviews by chikaboo55


Super Admin
Pros: friendly, & calm,large to extra large brown eggs
Cons: they're rare
We purchased our Barnies August of 2014 as feathered out chicks, from a breeder in N.C. we collected our first egg on Christmas day! We have five hens and two roosters, all housed together in a large coop with large attached run. The run is covered with netting because while they're young they can fly over a four foot fence,as they mature they're much heavier so I don't think they could manage it now! I'm very happy with this breed including the roosters. They get along well together and are not aggressive to us.The Brown eggs have increased in size quicly to large to some extra large. they are very beautiful and would be a good choice for anyone who wants a fairly quite good natured flock of great laying hens. Also dual purpose
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