Reviews by euphoniumism


Super Admin
Pros: sweet, easy to handle, follows me around, not noisy
Cons: lower end of pecking order
I really love my buff orpington pullet. When I introduced my pullets to my existing hens, my buff orp got beaten to the point where her skull was showing and she had no skin on the back of her head. It's a really good thing I found her. That was my fault, I should have removed the head hen for a while or something. She's healed up very nicely as an indoor chicken. I let her out in the front yard but not in the back with the others yet. I won't let her back with them until feathers grow in on her head.
She's a real sweetheart. Eats from my hand, is very eager to come out of her cage for snuggles, lays in my lap, and follows me around when I'm doing yardwork. Such a cutie. Doesn't even struggle when I'm trimming her beak or nails (I have to trim her nails a bit since shes an indoor chicken right now, don't want her scratching my arm).
She's also the only one of my chickens that will lay with my cats. The others won't get that close to them.
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