Reviews by Exotica

Pros: Very Tame, Smart, Great Foragers, Loves Human Contact
Cons: Too friendly, too loving - will wait at your door for you
I'd like to preface this by saying that I will come back and edit this once my girls start laying!
As of 09/13/2015 they are 6 weeks going on 7.

My flock has 18 birds and out of all of them my Black Sex Links are the sweetest!!
Yes, sweeter than my Easter Egger's, Ameraucana's, Cuckoo Maran, Wyandottes, Brahma, Silkies, Australorp, Cream Legbar, etc. !

I have three Black Sex Links that I bought from the local feed store since when I first started, I did not know I'd end up with so many nor did I know what a hatchery was!
The only bird that rivals them is my Barred Plymouth Rock (these four are all the same age and were bought as my first birds).

They are always the first to greet me and will actually follow me around the yard. Whenever I sit down with them, they hop right up on my lap for loving - all four of them!
It's so funny to watch them push each other off just to hop back on waiting for mama to pet them. I love these girls so much!
They aren't loud but are chatty! They like to tell me about their day and when something upsets them.

My room has a sliding glass door that connects to my shaded patio which connects to my backyard where they free range and
if I'm not outside you can often find them next to my door waiting for me to come out. They'll even peck on it sometimes to say," Hey Mom! Whatcha' doing?!"
Then when I come outside they all hop on the tables or anything to get on top of my shoulders!

Before I got chickens, I used to be oblivious to different breeds or personalities.. but these girls have taught me so much.
They are THE definition of the perfect pet chicken! They love being picked up and are super calm - they even hop on my dog's back and he gives them rides!

As a bonus, I heard they are great layers! I cannot wait until that happens! <3

*Some pictures of Willow, Chanel, Skye (and Athena my Barred Plymouth Rock) being held (younger/now at 6 weeks) and fighting for a spot on my little sister's back

Trust me, you're going to want a whole flock of these!!
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