Reviews by Falkenhof

Pros: Eat very little, good foragers, pretty, alert, generally healthy
Cons: Can fly, a little nervous or standoffish.
I've got 5 of these guys that are not at all near perfection of the standard, but I didn't buy for show. If you are looking for a chicken that can roam and hold his own, this is the breed. They are alert, don't eat much, great at foraging, and require less care than my EEs. They like to roam and I took 1/2 of a flock out of a confined situation. The other half was very depressed and they succumbed to feather picking and aggression at a population density of 10sq. ft per bird. If you are going to keep them in a run, have plenty of space. I know they can be aggressive but my Rooster is very gentle and bit lazy. He isn't very friendly though, not a lap rooster, nor are any of the hens, but they were raised with little contact with people. I can get them to eat out of my hand, but thats about it. Early intervention is helpful. Their size is great as well, not huge but not too tiny.

Egg laying is what I would consider okay. 2-3 per week, small to medium eggs. The yolk ratio in mine is huge and they are my favorite egg to eat!

In short, alert, quick, comical, full of personality, pretty, very hardy, healthy, heat tolerant and economic but require space and probably a bit of a coin toss as to aggression. Handle early and if you don't mind less egg production than laying breeds, you got a great bird.
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