Reviews by Flock Runner


Super Admin
Pros: does lay eggs, can be broody, very pretty, friendly, fast, all around good bird
Cons: gets cold easily, is prone to being picked on, occationally skittish
i got 2 silver sebrets last year. they were best friends until one jumped in the duck pool. then the other seemed to iscolate herself and the other birds are too big too like her. she was a little skittish ut i worked with her and now she's so friendly that shes willing to sit on my shoulder. also during the winter she refuses to go out because of how cold intallerant she is.
just a little while ago she layed her first egg and she seems pretty broody with it. its kind of humorous because it seems too big for her. shes very talkative and loves attention but shes not loud. i am going to get her a couple friends this year because i love how sweet she is.
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