Reviews by fryburgfarmer


Super Admin
Pros: Without a Doubt: Their Funky Afros, Their Curious Nature, Decent Layers
Cons: Smaller Eggs, No Meat Aspect, Easily Spooked
I currently have 13 Polish chickens (one cockerel, 12 pullets). Every time someone visits I hear compliments on their "afros"! They are a joy to watch and great for shows! Not the best layers, but they get the job done!
Pros: Delicious, Calm, CURIOUS, Great Foragers, & Fast Growers
Cons: Must be Butchered at the Correct Time (can't holf off or leg problems/heart problems will occur), Eat like Crazy, Poop OFTEN
I've had Cornish Cross's as my meat birds for years now and LOVE those sweethearts! They are evil! They make you fall in love, then you have to butcher them soon after!! They wonder and forage GREAT but trust me, they can eat! Lovely birds with rapid growth. Just watch out for health problems as a result.


Super Admin
Pros: Beautiful, Social, & Reliable Layers
Cons: Jittery, Hard to Pair for Showing (inconsistant feathering), & Protective
I had a batch of Wyandottes I was planning to show at fair (signed up for the wrong class
). They are bigger than other birds I've had so I'd consider them dual purpose. They are really beautifully feathered birds that come in any color really! I got silver laced and was transfixed! Reliable brown egg layer that's great for shows!


Super Admin
Pros: Beautiful, Hardy, Calm, Curious, Carefree, & a Great Layer!
Cons: None!
I received my Orpington as a free bird in a shipment of Polish chickens. I'm starting to fall more for her than for the birds I've bought!! She's calm and easily adapted to being with a different breed. SHe hasn't layed yet, but I've heard Orpingtons are great layers! Reliable birds!
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Barred Rock

Pros: Calm, Easy to Pair, Clean, Quiet, Hardy, Good Layers, & Great for New Shoman!
Cons: None!!
I had Barred Rocks as my first ever 4-H birds. I thought they looked like zebras and was in love (of course that was all I cared about then)! They were fabulous for show (3rd in pullet class), great layers, and really easy to fall in love with! HIGHLY HIGHLY RECCOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN NEW TO BIRDS!
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