Reviews by Gatorjohn67


Super Admin
Pros: Great color dark rich chocolate eggs, do well within the flock, lays 200+ eggs per year! beautiful birds and gentile around children
Cons: Roosters can be sometimes overbearing on flock but I hand raised all of them from My pet chicken all are great chickens
I started with 4 black copper Marans, 1 white maran, 1golden maran,1 silver coco maran that turned out to be a roo and he is now my favorite he gets up in my lap when I'm sitting in the pen or run and let's me pet him, however I seem to be the only one he comes to but he does not get aggressive with anyone else. I had trouble with the golden maran eating eggs, fixed that with a game cam and ceramic egg. And the white one it's first year was egg bound but has never had a problem since. They mingle well with the astrolops and barred rocks and new hampshires as well who by the way rule the roost.:thumbsup
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