Reviews by HnkyDnkyZZFarm

Pros: So amazingly friendly, very trainable, chatty
Cons: Can be loud. If you have neighbors they may not love Swedish Blues as much as I do for this reason. They fly like a thrown brick.
We have a drake and two ladies for him. They are a joy. They are our ducky order patrol, parading the property, checking in on the other animals, offering suggestions, keeping everyone in line and making sure we all are in our proper places. They are the epitome of duck sense. All three will tolerate being held and petted, and bob their heads and call Quaaak-WAK-wak-wak-wak-wak to each other and the human flock hoping it might be treat time. They seem to add a measure of security to the coop and yard, and I have seen them as a flock chase off cats. They do well ruling over a small chicken flock and are as ducks go low mess so long as you keep their swimming and sleeping spots well separated.

Generally super sweet and just happy to be a buddy duck.

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