Reviews by JLBS


Pros: Beautiful, docile, colored eggs, loves people and other chickens.
Cons: None
My Ameraucana is such a sweet bird. She is fully white with sort of bluish legs. She likes all the other birds and does not fight for dominance. She has a distinctive alert call to the other birds when there is dog or cat near by, or when people come into the garden. This makes her such an awesome addition to our flock because she is so aware of her surroundings. She is a gentle bird. She can be held and will even fall asleep perched on your arm or just sitting while you pet her. I did not spend a lot for this bird because I got her from a local seller who gave me a discount when I bought other birds at the same time. Her eggs are the prettiest blue color. I really could not beleive my eyes when I saw the first one. She lays two or three times per week.
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