Reviews by jpayne615


Super Admin
Pros: Very fun to watch, easy to take care of, very easy-going
Cons: They can be messy
I love my ducks so much that I want more! Pekin ducks are really easy to raise and have really good personalities. My ducks are skittish about being picked up, but like to be close to me when I'm in the yard. The eggs are delicious and the yolk is so orange and vibrant it turned me off of grocery store eggs forever. The only drawback is that they will lay eggs anywhere, so sometimes I have to go on an egg hunt (not quite as fun when they aren't dyed in pastels). Also, the ducks aren't broody at all, so if you want to hatch some more ducks, you'll have to get an incubator or a broody hen. I highly recommend these ducks. Another plus is that after Easter, you'll probably be able to find some of these for free. That's how I got mine.It's ridiculous, but parents buy them for kids' Easter baskets and then once the ducks lose their "cute" factor the family wants to get rid of it. I call them rescue ducks.
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