Reviews by JulianaRussini

Barred Rock

Pros: Docile with people and beautiful.
Cons: Slow to accept birds than the initial group it forms. In adolescence are a little rebellious.
I have 3 Plymouth rock barred, one with almost 6 months (Isolda), another about 3 months (Isadora) and another with nearly 1 month (Flora). When chicks are extremely gum, do not let you do anything without being on his shoulder or in your head. The Isolda with about 4 months was shy, do not know whether because I had to let homemade to care for almost twenty days due to a surgical procedure that did.
But I notice on this age several of my chickens get a bit shy not liking his lap and pet back to ask for lap and perching on me as are close to adults (in lay). But are amazing poultry, heavy, large and gentle.
I realize that soon the chick stage "adopt" some chicken or chick that become attached and become increasingly dependent, always of being around them and tolerate other birds, but do not form a bond with these as it does with first. And take longer to accept other members in the henhouse, attacking especially at feeding time, after a while starts to tolerate these. Since this behavior seen in both Isolda often as the Isadora, for Flora, so that it is still not staying together to them because of the pecking.
As for the posture have not yet begun to lay, but I hope will be good layers, for here I create chickens for eggs, pet and not kill anything, here the chickens die of old age. Isolda Isadora Flora
Pictures of the day 03.23.2015
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