Reviews by M-I Chicken


Super Admin
Pros: calm, friendly, pretty
Cons: none
She is by far my favorite of my five hens. She loves to be held and when I'm in the coop, she leans on me until I pick her up. She is the last one out of the coop. The others fly out and she stands in the doorway, sizes things up then walks down the ramp. She is liked by the flock and she favors the Black Australorp. These two big girls sleep, eat and take dust baths together. Still too young to produce eggs.
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Super Admin
Pros: Calm, pretty yellow legs & feet, likes to be held
She is very calm and is neither on top of the pecking order or on the bottom. She likes to forage yet seems content in the run. As a chick, all she wanted was to be held- she would fly over the brooder wall, land on my lap and sleep. Now a young pullet, she doesn't mind being held, but no longer seeks me out. I look forward to her dark brown eggs. Good experience thus far.
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