Reviews by Math

Pros: Steady Temperature, Inexpensive, Lots of chicks
Cons: None
I have hatched hundreds of chicks with my LG 9200 Still Air Incubator. At first I had to learn how to use it. And I had to develop my tricks for even incubator temperature. So now I pretty much set it up, put the eggs in, and leave it. I don't even record daily incubator temperatures anymore because when I look in to check the incubator, everything is good. I dry hatch and only add water in a small cup at one corner of the incubator if the humidity gets below 25. At lockdown, I raise the humidity higher. I only hatch my eggs and my friends eggs. I always get lots of chicks. The most I hatched at one time was 45 chicks. I will continue to use my LG 9200 Still Air Incubator as long as I get these successful hatch rates.
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shelly c
i agree i have always had very successful hatch rates with this incubator i love it


Super Admin
Pros: Great birds for many reasons
Cons: No cons
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