Reviews by MinnetonkaBoater

Cons: Broody
We have had 2 Buff Orpingtons in our flock, and both were just the same. They could be bossy at times, I think it was because they were often broody. We don't heat or light our coop so the girls don't lay much during winter. But when summer comes, I do want the payback of all that feed. My Orpingtons were the most disappointing layers I have had. 3-4 eggs a week at best, often 2/week only in the summer, and that was in between the stretches of 3 weeks or so that they would go broody.

They do deal with the Minnesota cold very well. No frostbite on combs, often sleeping outside.

Very friendly, enjoy being held, never peck.
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Our Jersey was typical of the breed, a big girl and the largest in the flock. That said she was not a bully, very even tempered. She enjoyed being held and never pecked anybody. She would place herself between two other squawking chickens as the peacemaker. If I have a complaint it is that she ate more than she laid. This girl could pack the feed away. Decent size eggs, 3-4 week.

Our girl came to an unfortunate end when she went inside out, that was a bad, sad day.
Pros: Great Layer, Friendliest
Cons: none
Our Gold Star is a rock star of a laying hen. She not only lays almost everyday in warm weather, she also lays nice large eggs. She is the first to come running when you come near the coop and always squats to be picked up. I will not be getting more chickens when these finally go, but if I were I would definitely have a Gold Star in the flock.
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