Reviews by mvktr2

Jersey Giant

Super Admin
Pros: Interesting and big.
Cons: Slow to mature
I hatched my JGs from eggs bought on line from show 1 generation removed from show birds. They were a little flighty as young birds but settled down with time. They also seemed to get picked on in a mixed flock as adolescents, not so as adults. I guess I don't have any who are picked on as adults with so much room etc. Mine never have been overly friendly and we handled them quite a bit. They're not real standoffish, but don't care to be caught either so I just pick em up when they come to eat at feeding time.

I was interested in the breed after reading several people say they laid really large eggs after their first laying cycle. Mine are just starting on their 2nd cycle and the eggs aren't anything to write home about in size, 2-to-2.25 oz. each. I do enjoy having them around, but could care less one way or the other after having had them.


Super Admin
Pros: egg production, good forager, good feed conversion, cheap to purchase, lays not only lots of eggs but large-jumbo eggs
Cons: If you spend time with them they won't be as flighty as many say they are.
Friendly, take care of themselves fairly well, egg laying machine. What more could one want in an animal kept for eggs and/or enjoyment? I love my 2 white leghorns as they are currently 2.25 years old, outlaying everything in the flock during the winter months (or summer), and since they were our first hatched chickens we spent lots of time with them making them very tame. Currently they're laying Jumbo sized 2.5-3.5 oz. eggs. Yes you read that correctly my little 4 lb chickens are laying 3+ oz. eggs on a routine basis.
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