Reviews by NYChicks345


Super Admin
Pros: Excellent cold weather bird
The silver laced variety of the wyandotte was developed right here in new york in the late 1800's so I am a little biased I guess. I also think that the silver laced are probably the prettiest out of all the varieties. There are 17 varieties (colors) of the Wyandotte although not all of them are recognized. The GLW was developed in Wisconsin around the same time. They are friendly and for the most part docile. I would say that this is one of the hardiest chickens when it comes to cold weather. They lay great through the winter and there rose combs are less likely to be frostbitten. I would recommend this bird for everyone, beginner or experienced. You wont be disappointed.
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Pros: Great Forager, Cold Weather Layer
Excellent cold weather layer and excellent forager for free ranging. Seem to avoid predators more than other breeds do to there color. Very friendly and docile. Great bird for people just starting to raise chickens.
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Pros: Lots of eggs
Cons: Wish there were more colors... Although the black is pretty
Overall a great bird, easy to care for and lays tons of large brown eggs. Great personalities and very docile.
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