Reviews by Polish Hen House


Super Admin
Pros: Beautiful, talkative, some-what friendly
Cons: Flighty, can be loud, can be hard to handle
This bird is not for everyone. Especially not beginners or those who are afraid of birds. I have two Marans: a White Maran and a Cuckoo Maran. My White Maran is such a sweet heart. She does not like to be held for long periods of time, but she does love to sit on my shoulder. My Cuckoo Maran is very flighty and shy. She is scared of everything. She will not let me pick her up without a struggle. However, she loves to “talk” to me all the time. These are large birds so they often scare people when they fly away from them. They can be hard to handle. They are also very curious birds. I love my Marans, but they are not for everyone.
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