Reviews by Rachel96


Super Admin
Pros: Very placid, calm and friendly, gorgeous to look at.
Cons: Poor layers, difficult to keep clean (particularly leg feathers)
I've had Silkies on and off over the years and they're generally a pleasure to have.

Silkies are very calm and friendly, and very good to have around small children. They let just about anyone pick them up (possibly because they can't actually see anything underneath the pom-pom). I would advise putting in with bantams or other smaller birds; with their placid nature, poor vision, and smaller size, they make a very easy target in a flock of larger fowl. However, I've never seen this happen, even a lone Silkie will defy the pecking order!

Like any bird with leg feathers, their feet often look pretty horrible during winter and get caked with mud very easily. They have a low carriage (or at least, lots of fluff on the stomach and bottom) which can get muddy easily, too. They're not very adventurous - they don't like flying or climbing things.

Silkies are also pretty poor layers.

Silkies have some interesting traits that they will pass on when cross-bred with another breed. I have some chicks who are only 1/4 Silkie and still have the extra toe. Half of the 1/4-Silkies also still have the blue skin and seem to have blue bones, too. Some cross-breeds are also very good layers whilst still maintaining a Silkie look (I have some Sizzles who lay every day).

In summation:

Silkies are a good choice if you're looking for a pet in a family with small children and aren't too concerned about egg production.

Silkies are a bad choice if you want a good layer.

Silkies are a good talking point for when you have guests over!
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