Reviews by Rhodebar Lover

Pros: Friendly and they seem to be smart.
Cons: They aren't exactly cuddly. They don't enjoy being handled.
My Australorps are very friendly, they are always there to great you at the door and talk to you, but they are a hands off sort of birds because they will not jump on your lap and don't enjoy being picked up, though usually calm. They are also great layers their first year, then after that it rapidly declines, which is fine for pets, but not very good for comercial egg production. Overall I definitely recommend them if you want friendly chickens that don't need to be handled often.


Pros: Beautiful, autosexing, and docile! Just plain great birds!
Cons: Surprisingly rare.
My Cream Legbar lays plenty of most beautiful sky blue eggs that are also almost round in shape. They are very friendly and also SUPER calm in your hands. To top that off they are autosexing! It is very ironic that these birds are not one of the most popular breeds.


Pros: Great layers, amazing temperament, and beautiful!
Cons: WAY less common than they should be and in cold climates can get frostbite.
Rhodebars are the perfect breed for almost anyone! I have raised Silkies, Australorps, Easter Eggers, Marans, Brahmas, English Orpingtons, Cream Legbars, Plymouth Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, and Polish and none of them even compare to Rhodebars. They are my best layers of brown eggs and although I have never personally butchered them, could be used for meat production. My roosters have never been aggressive and will tolerate little kids invading their turf. The hens LOVE to sit on your lap and be petted. To get your attention they will bite your legs playfully and will run all the way up a large hill to our house which is far away from the coop. They are even beautiful, the hens have mixes of different shades of brown with eye catching patterns and the roosters look like more colorful versions of Barred Plymouth Rocks. To top it off they are auto-sexing so the female chicks will look like chipmunks and the male chicks are a lighter color and have an obvious white spot on their head! The only downsides are that in the winter the roosters will get frostbite and they are hard to find breeders that sell them. To sum it up they are perfect for about any purpose!
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