Reviews by rhodyray

Barred Rock

Pros: Good egg layer and quite friendly but not as friendly as my RI Reds. As friendly as the Black Australorps.
Cons: Eats quite a bit so not the best food to egg ratio chicken and a lot better than my Orpingtons who just don't want to lay at the same age.
Good bird, mild mannered, somewhat friendly, one likes to be picked up when called to get into coop and run and one stands off and would love to make me chase her so I play it cool and wait for the daylight to diminish which drives her nuts to get into coop with her sisters but still hasn't learned to get inside when called.
Purchase Price
$3.00 each
Purchase Date
March 2019
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Reactions: heidit982
Pros: Great egg layer and friendly too. Never fails to come into coop when performing daily cleanup to talk to me and just hang around.
Cons: None that I may think of.
Middle range size among my small flock and is a great egg layer with a personality. Not bossy or easily bullied either. I actually don't have a bully hen. Loves to free range but when they know I'm coming out the door comes running to see if I have a treat for them. A must-have standard chicken. I think this breed is a good food to egg production ratio hen.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
March 2019


Super Admin
Pros: Great consistent egg layer
Cons: Not as friendly as some of my hens
Consistent layer of large eggs and quiet most of the time. May become noisy if they perceive something is amiss. Loves to free range. Not very friendly but does remain curious when I offer corn, bread or any other snack.
Purchase Price
$3,00 each
Purchase Date
March 2019


Super Admin
Pros: Beautiful Bird but that's about all
Cons: Hasn't laid an egg yet and is nine months old. Eats a ton but no production.
Beautiful bird to see however when no egg production becomes less beautiful to watch.
Purchase Price
$3.00 each
Purchase Date
March 2019
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Reactions: BlueHorse17
Pros: Exactly what I want to know and read.
I'd like to know where these hens were purchased so that when I restock my flock I'll know where to get them. Thanks a bunch. I'm from RI so there's nothing better than to find a hen that's on the population downslide and try to give it some life and future.
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