Reviews by Roxanneinla

Pros: Friendly, Lay eggs sooner then other breeds.
Cons: Can be escape artists. and a bit flighty
I purchase mine at the local tractor supply store in a mix lot of pullets. I have had them for about 4 months and already starting to lay. Usually it a med- large brown egg but every once a while a supper jumbo egg will come along. Very friendly, curious about everything. They are the first to come right up to the door of the pen seeing if I'm carrying any treats for them. Have been know to be too smart and figure out a way to escape from the chicken pen. I have to many times to count gone out to my front porch and there is a chicken wonder where is her treat. Kids love them but are not as clam as the Easter eggers when it comes to holding.

Here is clip that I made showing the different personality between the red sex link and the easter eggers. Enjoy :)
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Pros: Friendly and calm
Cons: lay there eggs later then the sex links
Very friendly with my of them is my youngest favorite. She just loves to go out and hug her Speckles. When i purchase they came in a mix lot from the local tractor supply store. Love how each one is different in color.


Here is a clip I made showing how well easter eggers are with kids. Enjoy :)
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