Reviews by Teva


Super Admin
Pros: sweet, inquisitive, friendly
Cons: none I can think of
My 2yo black stars are the first hens I've ever owned. I got them just over a month ago, March 2012. They went straight to the coop and hid there for 2 days, and finally ventured out when I started putting food on the ground instead of the coop. They come running to me the second they hear me or see me. They don't readily let you pick them up, but they don't try to run screaming away either. Once you get them in your arms, they settle in and don't try to fly or fight their way down. They eat out of my hands and after a few minutes will let me pet them. It took them about 3 weeks to settle in and produce my first egg! I get an egg, sometimes two, a day. I love my little mama's!
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