Reviews by the1913trio

Pros: Sweetest & most gentle birds in the flock, pretty colors, cold hardy, easy to hold and cuddle (very tame), quiet, happy foragers, goofy, & obedient
Cons: Don't lay well at ALL, take forever to begin laying, noticed higher rates of scissor beak, total dorks of the flock, lol!
So you think, "Gee golly Bob, wouldn't it be neat if we could have some chickens that laid colored eggs, how cool would that be?!" Well let me tell yah...maybe it isn't all that "cool/neat" in actual practice to have those colored Easter-egger eggs depending upon how many chickens you can keep and what you need.

We have had a total of 4 EE's in our time: 2 were cockerels and 2 are hens. My husband and I hatched out a batch of EE's and sold most of them. We also purchased some EE's from a hatchery a couple months later as well. The cockerels became food once they revealed their gender, but what is important to note is that one of our hatchery EE's and one of our hatched from a farm EE's both had mild scissor beak that became apparent around 3-4wks of age. It isn't bad, but I did read EE's can tend to suffer this sort of issue more often.

Our EE hen named Freckles with mild scissor beak (hatchery stock) is a total ding-dong and lowest on the pecking order. I thought she was a roo for the longest time as a pullet because she is the gangliest darn bird I ever saw. I think her slight scissor beak gave her cross eye vision because that silly bird can't aim at a small sized treat she wants to pick up to save her life...always takes a few tries. Freckles is super gentle though and when you pick her up she would never even think of flapping her wings in your face and isn't ever rough or pushy. She is the quintessential nerd back in school that wears glasses but has a sweet personality and can be secretively clever at times. She doesn't lay super well, but lays MUCH better than our other EE hen named Midge. I would say Freckles gives us an average of 3 eggs a week, maybe 4 on a good week (and this is during spring time laying/peak). It is hard not to love her sweet demeanor. She could almost be considered an olive egger with the color of her eggs. Freckles was 30 weeks old before she began to lay.

Our second EE Midge we hatched and she is sooo beautiful and petite. She has lavender feathering with buff lacing and a dark grey head. She is one of the smartest chickens and hands down our most cuddly! We can carry and cuddle and pet her whenever and she will talk to us about her day. She doesn't really "boc, boc" like most chickens. She is quiet but when talking to us makes a "squeaky, squeaky, sqweh, squeeeaaakk" kind of conversational chatter. Don't let Midge's smaller size and extra snuggly nature fool you though, she is quite a brute underneath. If any of the other girls tries to dominate her she beats them up good till they learned their lesson. She goes on the hunt for blood and will eat huge slugs. I accidently got a baby quail in her path once and it was attacked and chewed up for dinner so quickly it was too late by the time I blinked my eyes. Midge is a horrible, horrible layer though. She laid for a month about 3 days a week then stopped for two months. She lays probably 2 eggs a week. May need to cull her before this winter, but for now her charming personality and awesome foraging skills combined with her smaller size are keeping her in good favor.

Due to the laying issues with our EE's and how long they can take to even begin laying (begin to lay on average at a much older age than many breeds) we won't get more again unless we know that their main use is to lend their sweet & goofy personality more than to be a productive bird.

Barred Rock

Pros: Lays a TON of pretty pinkish eggs in all weather . Smartest in flock. Super clean with coop, self, and nest. Quiet. Hardy. Protects 4yr old son.
Cons: Bossy esp to other chickens. NOT cuddly or sentimental...serious bird!
We ended up with an accidental barred rock, but we are VERY glad now that we got her! She was supposed to be a cuckoo marans so we named her "Maran-matan" (and haven't changed this!), but when she began laying our suspicions of her barred rock-like "attitude" (and barred more than cuckoo feathering) were confirmed.

She is the head of the flock and if the flock is ever free ranging she herds up the group like a rooster & keeps them away from areas she has deemed "off limits" in her chicken mind. Not surprisingly she is the most intelligent of the girls as well and the quickest problem solver. She seems to understand that our 4yr old son is a child and she is very protective of him, yet won't ever peck or be rough with him...she is more patient with him & even tolerates him picking her up without flapping or resisting. She knows I am boss, but has made slight attempts a couple of times to pull rank and peck at my husband, but he put her back in place easily by carrying her around. She certainly isn't a lovey-dovey, lap snuggle chook, but I don't mind since she is smart, lays a TON, and pays attention to what I teach her.

She is the most quiet chicken of the flock which is great! However she doesn't care for being cooped up more than a couple of days even in the dead of winter. She likes to be outdoors, and doesn't need much room outside...just a bit of variety via an easy to move daytime tractor or free ranging. She is SUPER tidy which I love and bathes well, preens well, doesn't kick bedding all over, and even adeptly avoids getting her feet dirty. Her eggs are always clean and laid in a well made nest. Her eggs are PRETTY! They are a very light pinkish- tan color which I love. She lays nearly as much as our gold-sex link and in all weather. She began laying at 21 weeks of age in winter. She is a great chicken; just more of a serious "military/ disciplined" sort of lady.
Pros: Lays in winter/cold weather, Began laying at 17.5 wks, Lays daily, Not skittish, Friendly, Hardy, Not aggressive, Middle of pecking order
Cons: Loud squacker begging for treats & talks constantly, Not super cuddly, Drama queen
Our gold sex link Goldie (original name eh?! lol) is the diva of our flock of four. When she was a baby she was the first to whine and get insecure over new situations and surroundings and would cuddle up to us for reassurance and cry to us about it. Now that she is older she is the opposite of shy and skittish. She is a LOUD mouth when we are around her carrying on like a regular dinosaur to get treats and acknowledgment. But she doesn't squack nearly as much when we aren't around by any means. When she is being a loud mouth I am not joking this lady goes...BAAWWKKKKKKKKKK, BARRRKK, BOCC! It is quite humorous and annoying all at the same time. Although she likes treats and acknowledgment she isn't big on the cuddles or being a lap chicken. She is right in the middle of the pecking order with the other girls, and never tries to peck, bully, or trump the dominance of any of the humanoids. She is even sweet to our four year old son.

This chicken is a lazy bum and doesn't mind being cooped up when cold out, and often prefers being in the garage or coop when it is chilly. When she does have a hankering to go out in warmer weather she can get a bit too adventurous and seeks escaping through the backyard to the alley, but her bigger body keeps her from hopping very high. Speaking of a big, round body she is an awesome garbage disposal and will eat all sorts of scraps!

She began laying in the dead of winter with no supplemental heat and minimal extra incandescent light at just 17 weeks of age! She lays an egg every day, and her eggs are big. The weather in CO in the winter fluctuates from warm to freezing cold in short spans of time, but Goldie has been hardy and soldiers through no problem. If you are looking for a friendly, hardy bird that will produce eggs quickly and well, I highly recommend a gold sex link...if you don't mind the bit of drama they express lol!

(I got my sex link from Stromberg's and am quite impressed with their great quality of poultry)
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