Reviews by tysonandperdue

Pros: Calm, docile, great layers, non-aggressive
Cons: None
I've owned Australorps for years. I love this breed of chicken. They are one of my favorites breeds. Very sweet, get along well with everyone, love being pet and are great layers of large eggs. I will never be without Australorps in my flock.


Pros: Friendly, curious, calm, non-aggressive
Cons: None
I bought two speckled Sussex two years ago. Out of my 16 chickens, they are definitely one of my favorite breeds. There are very friendly and the first to run up to greet me in the morning. They are not afraid or flighty and tolerate confinement very well (as I do not let my chickens free roam since I live in an area with hawks constantly flying overhead looking for a tasty meal. They are not aggressive to any of the other chickens I have. They lay well too. I just love them! In fact, I'm buying more today!
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