Reviews by WyandotteIndeed

Pros: Good forager, middle of the pecking order, nice eggs, excellent camoflage, beautiful.
Cons: Can't think of a single one.
I just love these! The friendliest of mine is Carmen. She is like a little cartoon chicken. These have a slightly shortened skull so retain their sort of baby-like cuteness into adulthood. They are very curious and great chasers of bugs. Can fly but really rarely do, unless to catch a grasshopper flying by in mid-air (hilarious to watch). Fairly brave and yet still cuddly, especially on cool days, she'll ride around in my coat. Super fun addition to any flock.
Pros: Great personality, easily tamed, good forager, independent.
Cons: Flies over 6' garden fence even with wing clipped. Not for a small space.
Highly recommend this breed. Lovely feathering which also allows them to hide well from predators (especially hawks). Tenacious foragers. Will happily roam at least twice as far from the coop than the other breeds. Really enjoy several acres of pasture and I wouldn't recommend them in a small run as they would be miserable. Very nice voices and easy to handle. No noisy or talkative, just subtle almost cooing sounds most of the time. Very clever birds.
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