
Barred Rock

Very tame nice breed that gives you big beautiful brown eggs. They aren't that loud and the...
Pros: Smart and calm
One of my Barred Rocks does not even try to get away from me.
Pros: Nice personality, egg production, and beautiful.
Cons: Mine gets pushed around a lot.
My Barred Rock is very sweet and loves treats. Her calm and gentle personality can somewhat be a downfall for her at times because she gets picked on by practically the entire flock. She's easy to handle and lays an egg almost every day- and it's a nice-sized, beautiful pinkish egg. Sometimes she lays a tan egg with browns spots. They randomize sometimes. We have had trouble with a dirty butt but any chicken can be like that. She is real hardy and a great addition to our flock. (Oh, and she's really quiet too!)
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Pros: Learns quickly! Hand raised they are very intelligent birds. Bought as a pullet and at 4 months old showed signs of a young cockerel. Great protector
Cons: A bit bossy! A big boy at 9 months old in picture.
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Pros: Good layer, large bird, watchfull, Beautiful feathering
Cons: Can be Fiesty
Our Barred Rock Monica is definitely at the top of the pecking order. Not sure if that is the reason she is very watchful over the flock since there is no roo or if it is a breed trait. She can be a bit feisty when she wants something but it is not a problem and actually quite funny to watch. She is friendly enough but doesn't always let you pick her up. However anytime you walk into the yard she runs right up to you to find out what you are doing or if you have any treats. She is a good layer laying large brown eggs every other day to 1 every three days with the occasional back to back days. Great addition for any flock!
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Pros: Brave, Stubborn, Friendly, Caring
Cons: Brave, Stubborn
I list brave and stubborn as both a pro and con because I have a pullet a third the size of my biggest rooster and she pecked him in the eye... She was doing it in reaction to him being aggressive to her buddy, which was sweet, but she may be of more than she can chew one day.

Still, I have found her to be very caring towards my tiny pullet, constantly checking things out had on, and spending time on my shoulder and not getting off... I'm quickly becoming fond. :) Will update when egg laying begins for her.
Pros: Weather hardy, beautiful, big eggs, enthusiastic personality, docile
Cons: doesn't lay as much as we had hoped, very broody
Dali is one of my favorite chickens. I am a little disappointed with her laying, she doesn't lay as many eggs as we had hoped, but my chickens are just as much pets to me, so it's not the biggest downfall. She is full of personality and life. She has cracked us up many times with her jumping STRAIGHT up into the air when she was surprised by something, or her trying to talk to us. I love her feathers, very pretty. I guess the biggest problem with Dali is her broodiness. It just started more recently, but she will NOT get out of the nest box, and I worry about her starving or dehydrating herself to death. We have been working on breaking her habit, and it seems to be working okay. Overall, it's her awesome personality that I love about her
Pros: Very friendly, great foragers
Cons: Chatty!
My Barred Rocks are my favorite in my flock. I have quite the variety too-Wyandottes, an Orpingtong, Silkie, Sultan, and and EE. The 2 Barred Rock hens I have are at the top of the pecking order, but not aggressive. I can handle both easily and always have been able to. Henrietta is my lap chicken, so is so sweet! They are great foragers and layers. I will always keep BRs in my flock now. The only con- Ethel (top of the pecking order) is very chatty. She's always making noise.
Pros: Gentle, babysitters
Cons: None so far
Mine are currently only about 7 weeks old. They adopted all the younger chicks that have hatched and act like little baby sitters snuggling them, keeping them warm, showing them how to use the nipple waterers and what is good to eat. When I pick them up they stand up to let me slip a hand under them and don't mind being held. Very impressed. I got them to work on autosexing projects and look forward to the temperament they will lend to the projects.
Pros: Friendly, love attention
Cons: Prone to diseases
I currently have two barred rock hens: Banjo and Oscarita. I also had a rooster and a couple of hens.They are awesome chickens and they know their name,too.
Pros: loves to sit in my lap, friendly, talkative, most laid back out of all my chickens, and are good layers of large brown eggs
Cons: roos are mean and are very, very flighty. Other than that they're great!
My Barred Rock (also known as Barred Plymouth Rock) is awesome! I did have 2 but I had to give away the rooster because he was very, very flighty. We got rid of him before he became aggressive but I'm sure if we kept him for any longer he'd get mean. Anyway, my other Barred Rock (who is a hen by the way) is great! She doesn't mind being held, she's very talkative, very kid friendly, doesnt mind confinment, and sits in my lap almost whenever I sit down. I haven't gotten any eggs yet because she's only 3 months old, but I heard the breed is a good layer of large brown eggs. I would suggest this breed for beginners who have a small coop/chicken run.

-Bossy Bantams
Pros: Friendly, Fun Personality, Good Layer
Cons: Bossy Bossy Bossy
I have 3 Buff Barred Rock Pullets.....they are wonderful. I love sitting out and watching their antics. The only thing that bothers me about them is they are very bossy to my other pullets (3 Iowa Blues). They are definitely establishing their pecking order. They love to eat the treats out of my hand or grab them out of my fingers. Very pretty as well.
Pros: Smart, Friendly, Good Layers
Cons: Sometimes Bossy
We so far have 8 Barred Rocks, 7 hens and 1 rooster. We love them! They are so friendly and funny. I can't walk out in the backyard without all the girls running at me to see what I'm doing. I definitely like them more than the other breeds I have and would recommend them to any first time chicken owner. My only real problem with them is that they can be a little bossy, and with the rooster that can be a problem. The girl's bossiness has never caused a true issue, but with the rooster he sometimes is a little to rough and hard on his girls. Knowing what I know now I would definitely get the hens all over again, but would get a rooster from a different breed or not get one from the farm store.
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Pros: Loves attention, sweet, loving, good eater,
Cons: Slightly bossy, but not in a mean way.
We have had our Barred Rock Chummy for 2 weeks now, and she has been a wonderful chicken with lots of personality. She is 10 weeks old. She loves attention, and loves it when you pick her up. Sometimes she pecks you until you pick her up to get your attention.
She is always the first to greet you when you open the front door to the coop. She is nice to the other chickens, even though she is slightly bossy. She doesn't usually peck them, but occasionally. Usually she likes to sit with the other chickens and enjoy life. She is my favorite out of our 6 chickens. As I said, we've only had her for 2 weeks, but so far I would highly recommend this breed.

Pros: They lay nice brown eggs and are very nice. Have beautiful plummage and are extremely smart.
Cons: can be aggressive to smaller birds such as silkies and other bantams.
I have 6 BR's and they just wonderful birds that are full of energy. The only problem I had was that they attacked my other chicken, Jessie, and now she has a large bald spot on her back and one on her neck. She is still alive and well, but some of her plumage is missing.
Pros: Very friendly, love to be held, very fluffy.
Cons: none that i can think of.
We have one barred rock hen and one rooster she is very sweet. She lays nice size eggs for a little chicken but i love her anyway! Loves all of the other chickens.

Pros: sweet,loving,coldhary,latys and egg every day
Cons: none
i just got my first hen today and she is so kind and the owners before me said she lays an egg every so over all a good hen
Pros: Lots off eggs, beautiful, docile, just a great bird !
Cons: None !
I love my barred rock hen, she is probably one of my favorite chickens ever! She lays me an egg everyday, and just has the sweetest disposition. 5/5 star breed in my book !

Here is my pretty hen!
Pros: Super Friendly, Good Layers
Cons: None really
We have 10 Barred Rocks and I LOVE them! We got them as chicks from the local feed store and they have been awesome from the start. They've always been the friendliest, in fact I have a hen that I can pat my lap like a dog and she will jump on my lap and tell me about her day. There is also another on who thinks she belongs on my shoulder all the time. They're really good foragers and are good at being free range. We have 20 other hens ( 10 buff orpingtons and 10 rhode island reds) and the Barred's hold their own with them. They just started laying and have nice big beautiful brown eggs.
Pros: People Friendly,Not skiddish like most breeds Not a "sissy" chicken The Rocks keep a place a the top of the pecking order. Brave,Curious
Cons: A little Bossy , But someone has to be the boss.
In my Flock I have 10 barred rocks They.are my favorite and have been from the start. My Flock Consists of : 10 Barred Rocks,1 RIR ,8 ISA Reds, 2Jersey giants, 2 Astralorps,4 Araucanas,2 Buff Orpingtons,1Light Brahmas,1 Easter Egger, and a Golden Laced Wyandotte... When I first got the chicks the Barred Rocks were the first ones to come to my hand on they own in the brooder, they were the most Brave and or curious. They were also the first ones to climb up and sit on my lap to be petted. They Do Seem to Lay Down the Law that is the pecking order But have never injured any of the other chickens just pecked and chased them a little. I love the Look of the Barring Black and White Feathers Down right cool looking birds. My chickens are Only 17-18 weeks old No Eggs yet But I do not fear being disappointed by the Egg Production of the Barred Rocks. They are Also Great Rugby Players if you Toss a Grape or slice of fruit or a treat of any kind in with them. I am a noobie chicken keeper this being my first year. , I will add a Rooster to my flock next Spring and Yep you guessed it will be a Barred Rock.
Pros: very friendly,so far they are quiet,pretty,funny
Cons: cant think of any
So far the two BRs are my favorite out of are 8.They and are Cochin are the most quite birds they hardly make noise. I don't know if we just got lucky or if this is common.They are super friendly.They will eat right out of your hand and if you sit down they come running up to get in your lap, where they will play and then fall asleep with there heads on my hand.
They are just cute and funny as can be.
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