
Chick Days: An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Raising Chickens from Hatching to Laying

Chickens are the hottest new backyard “pet”! It seems that every Tom, Dick, and Susan wants to...

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Chick Days: An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Raising Chickens from Hatching to Laying
Jenna Woginrich
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Chickens are the hottest new backyard “pet”! It seems that every Tom, Dick, and Susan wants to raise chickens in his or her backyard, whether that yard is one square foot or one hundred. There’s nothing more local than an egg freshly laid right in your own yard. But what should you expect when you’re adopting a couple of day-old chicks? In Chick Days, Jenna Woginrich, award-winning author of Made from Scratch, the homesteading memoir for the twenty-something generation, offers a highly entertaining and informative photographic guide for today’s fledgling chick parent. Fun for the complete newbie and for families with young children, Chick Days chronicles the journey of three chickens from newly hatched fluffy butterballs to grown hens laying eggs. Day by day and week by week, readers watch the three starring chickens grow and change, learning about chicken behavior, feeding requirements, housing, hygiene, and health-care essentials, and fun facts on all things poultry. As Jenna herself says, “Chickens are more than 12-piece buckets, country diner kitsch, and egg whites. They’re your backyard ambassadors to healthier eating and basic husbandry. Keeping chickens is a crash course in local eating. When you start collecting eggs you’ll be eating so local you’ll know the amount of cracked corn in the feeder at ground zero of your breakfast . . . ” Jenna’s witty commentary is accompanied by the photography of Mars Vilaubi, who raised the three chickens himself, along with his wife and son. Their accompanying “chick diary” notes particular things this family learned and did along the way to make chicken raising fun. Presenting just the essential information in a highly visual and inviting format, Chick Days makes every stage of chicken life fun, entertaining, and, most of all, doable. It’s sure to give any chicken lover or wannabe owner the confidence and enthusiasm to join the flock!

Latest reviews

I love this book..
Pros: Takes the reader step by step through the process of raising laying hens.
Cons: Doesn't mention meat birds.
I highly recommend this book. It taught me most things I know about hens.
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Reactions: Jenbirdee
The book that started it all…
Pros: Pictures
Great beginner guide
Fun stories and tips
Cons: Doesn’t go into deep detail on some subjects.
This book started Starburst and my chicken keeping career. We had seen the book on the shelf, read it, and were instantly hooked.
I enjoy the writing style, design, funny stories, details, and it’s a great guide for those getting started.
Pros: Great for the Newbie, Lots of Information, Step By Step, Short, Lots of Pictures, Just a Book Done Right
Cons: Nothing - No Sir E :)
This is the best chicken book I have ever read! I researched chickens for three years+ before getting mine, and of all of the articles and books I've read this one takes the cake. Some people (not to point fingers) are complaining that they did't learn from the book, but keep in mind that this book is supposed to be simple. It's supposed to give people the basics. I learned almost everything I needed to know from this book, with no junk. It was nice how straight forward the book was. The first time I read it I skipped the reflections from the author and in doing that I learned the basics of chicken keeping without any excess information I didn't need. After a few specific questions to my friends I was all set! If you want chickens buy this book! :)


This is the BEST book. I read it cover to cover 3 times and then used it non-stop every step of the way after I brought my 1 day old babies home. I knew exactly what to look for and what to do and even took a "chick maternity leave" for 10 days to make sure my girls had the best "to the book" start they could have. And it's a good thing too...I staved off pasty butt and several developmental brooder escapes.
I enjoyed this book as a first time chicken owner! I loved the photos ans picture rick pages. It "scratched my chicken itch" while my eggs were incubating!
Hey, bantybabylover, you might want to check out The Chicken Encyclopedia by Gail Damerow. It has sorts of breeds in there and I was able to identify one of my bird's breed. Maybe it'll help you.

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