
EcoGlow 20 Chick Brooder

The EcoGlow brooder is a clean, safe, tough and extremely economical chick brooder with a a...
Put together with a hot glue gun?
Cons: Messy glue everywhere!
I’m very confused, as I just received this product today directly from Brinsea, and it looks like it was put together by a child with a hot glue gun. Globs of glue are everywhere! How is this possible for a product that is suppose to heat up to warm live chicks? I’m surprised I am not finding tons of other reviews saying the same thing. I reached out to the company, and I am yet to hear back. Check out my photos.

Can anyone recommend an alternative? I’m getting 4 chicks (first timer) in a few weeks. Thanks!
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  • Wow
Reactions: Jenbirdee
Pros: Chicks love it
Cons: Takes up some amount of space rather than a heat lamp
It is an amazing device for keeping the chicks warm. It does owever take up alot of space depending on the size of the brooder you have your chicks in. Im giving this a 5 because the heatlamp makes the whole brooder warm and if the chicks get to hot they can't escape the heat. When you have this product, it heats a certain amount of space so that if your chicks get to hot, than they can run out from under it. I would much rather this product over the heatlamps. This only has to be plugged in rather than wasting money on more heat bulbs. I Definatly recommend to anyone who is trying to decide between heat lamp and this.
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Pros: Very safe. Won't catch fire. Does a great job of keeping chicks toasty and at the right temperature. Has adjustment heights for growing chicks.
Cons: The tabs on the side to adjust the element seem a little flimsy. I am concerned they may crack and break. Says it can accomodate 20 chicks. I am not sure that is accurate. I have 14 chicks under it and that's pushing it.
This product has been amazing! I was concerned about a light and the possibility of a fire hazard but this item works like a charm. There is no danger of fire. It hold the correct temperature. The chicks love it. They easily come and go. I haven't lost any chicks in the brooder this is my second year being the chicken tender. I highly recommend this product. It is a little pricey, considerably more than a hanging light, but I think the safety aspect outweighs the cost by leaps and bounds. You can also order directly from Brinsea.com and usually find a better price than other online stores.
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approximately $70 from the website
Purchase Date
March 2018 & April 2018
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Pros: Can't burn anything, more natural option, takes less energy to warm, can move chicks out sooner
Cons: Little concerned about breaking the tabs holding it together, but so far so good
I LOVE this thing! It has been so handy this past year. Not only does it keep the chicks from getting too warm, the water doesn't heat up either.
It also works great as a brooder. I assisted a chick and a duckling and I couldn't put them under the hen, so I made a bowl out of wood chips and placed the ecoglow over top. Took a little time but it worked like a charm drying them off.
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March 15, 2018


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Pros: safer than a heat lamp, chicks stay quieter and happier, more natural, low electricity cost
Cons: too small for 20 chicks
This is a great way to heat your chicks. It is more natural and I would always pick this over the heat lamp. However, I want to go with a heating pad like MHP next time because it just looks cozier and even more natural, plus it's less expensive and DIY!
The only misleading thing is that it says it is for 20 chicks but that's likely only for very young chicks. As they grow, it fits less. We have only five chicks but opted for the 20 instead of the 10. It's a good thing we did because the 10 would have been too small once the chicks got a bit older.
Pros: doesn't heat up you whole room, allows you to keep older chickens in with chicks without the older ones over heating.
Cons: none!!
absoulutly amazing!! I will never use a heat lamp again!
Pros: everything
Cons: none
This was the BEST purchase I ever made to raise chicks. It simulates the heat of the mother without the light. Chicks have been familiar with night and day from hatching and have been tucking themselves in since. They loved it and so did we.
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Pros: Never have to worry about a spot light, changing temperature or if they have enough heat.
Cons: Hard to get apart, use a screw driver! most expensive option
bought it on clearance for 74$ was kinda pricy, but with the piece of mind and comfort it allows the chicks a place to hide if needed or their first perch when they start testing out their wings. Got up several times to check on them the first few nights, they were all toasty warm and sound asleep, so that allowed me to sleep well so I had more time to spend singing and playing with them during the day. I will use this for years to come!
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Pros: Chicks love it. Adjustable to the height of chicks as they grow. You can even put one side lower then the other so the chicks can be closer to the heat if they want.
Cons: None- way better then heat lamps.
418641D7-8F38-4652-9BE0-4BDF9A4ADF09.jpeg I have a plastic chick brooder and using a heat lamp was always worrisome. Love this chick heater. The cord is very thin so I can still put the lid on the chick brooder. I also like how the cord disconnects in the middle in case you want to take the heater out but not have to unplug from the wall. I’ve never had a chick that was too cold or too hot using this. I trust it and I am thinking about trying one with my green Cheek Conures I raise.
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Pros: Safe, even heat
No artificial lighting to confuse day/ night cycles
Cons: Hard to adjust the height
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Reactions: idaholbrook
Pros: Safe, economical after the initial cost, boredom buster
Cons: None
To prevent getting your Brinsea all poopy, put a piece of press and seal on the top. Easy clean up!
Pros: Easy set up
Safe heat
easy to clean
low power usage
Cons: none
I wouldn't raise baby chicks without one, again. We went through so many heat lamps, it's not funny, and those things aren't cheap... not to mention the constant concern of fire. With the EcoGlow in place, we could sleep soundly with no worries of fire, over or under heating. The chicks moved under or out to adjust their own body temp, just as they would with a mother hen. Best brooder product.
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Reactions: Pater est Pullis
Pros: Keeps the chicks perfectly warm, sturdy, no risk of fire, no risk of burning any creature, low energy consumption
Cons: Can’t see the chicks when they are under it, can be tricky adjusting height
I got this after I decided I was burned by a brooder bulb for the last time. The chicks love this unit and so do I. I just ordered a second one. If you follow the instructions on how to change the height you will be fine.
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Purchase Date
February 25, 2018
Pros: chicks dig it
low stress - worry free
no concerns with starting a fire
super easy set up
Cons: a little spendy
poop clean up (it gets trapped in the engraved logo)
Chicks dig it! My chicks took to it easily and appear quite happy scooting under it. Set up was easy. Plus no stress or worry thinking about the potential for starting a fire! Yes, it's a little spendy. For the ease & peace of mind, if you can afford the price, I would definitely recommend it! Resale value on this is also pretty great as these are a challenge to find used.
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Purchase Date
Dec 2, 2018
Pros: Easy to set up
Gives chics a more natural broody hen feel than a heat lamp
Cons: Can't see them under it, they are more fun to watch with a heat lamp
Setup was a breeze. The main complaint we have with it is you cannot see the chicks under it. They know it! We've raised 3 separate times, and only used this on the 2nd time when I had purchased it. Giving them the hiding spot really seemed to make that batch much more skittish. Same breeds on the 3rd batch, not nearly as skittish with heat lamp. My wife told me to sell it.
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Purchase Date
June 2017
Pros: Safe,hassle free. Chicks regulate their own temperature by camping out under the warm plate.
Cons: Difficult to adjust the height
Too gets dirty and difficult to clean
Love this! Has completely changed my brooding process! Expensive but worth it!
Pros: Safe. Peace of Mind. Economical to use.
Cons: The chicks jump on it and poop on it. More expensive than a heat lamp.
I'm totally new to chickens and was really worried about setting up a heat lamp inside my house. I didn't want to risk burning my house down so I purchased the EcoGlow 20 Chick Brooder for peace of mind. I've had my babies for 3 weeks now and they seem to love it and are thriving. They go under it when they need to and seem to be able to self regulate according to their needs.

I'm very happy with it, but again, I'm totally new to this so I have never tried anything else.
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Pros: Low electricity usage. Mimics the hen well.
Cons: Can't see the chicks when under it.
A wonderful brooder that replicates the hen well. Low electricity usage is a real plus point. You don't have the risk of fire as you may with lamps and bulbs. Easy to use and clean on top. The chicks soon learn to jump on top and if you don't keep it wiped down it can get messy. The only down side I can find is that you can't see the chicks when they are snuggled underneath it.

Well worth the money I paid and I loved it so much I bought a second one.
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Pros: Lowers with ease,sturdy,dosent make light
Cons: It can get too hot and chicks sometimes can get burned,could not fit 20 chicks
I have this for a few years
It is a very good idea but it would be even better
If you could choose the temperature.
This could not fit 20 chicks.
Other than this it is a good product
And it doesn't have a light so the chicks can
Sleep without a light shining above them
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