
Jersey Giant

The Jersey Giant is the largest chicken variety (roosters average 13 lbs., hens average 11 lbs.)....
Jersey Giants are very affectionate!! They merge well with other chickens!
They are very large chickens and can eat a lot. But on the plus side these chickens are good foragers!
They have beautiful peacock color plumage when reflected in the sun!!
I recommend this breed!!
Pros: Beautiful, Quiet, Friendly to Other Birds, Semi-Consistent Layer
Cons: Very Flighty, Seems to Scare younger/smaller chickens, Poor/Small Eggs
I just got my first Jersey 2 weeks ago. When I first brought her home, she freaked out so much in the vehicle she ended up getting out of the cardboard box and being loose while I was driving. It took 5 days with my flock and me socializing with them 4-5x per day before she would stop trying to run through the fence at the mere sight of me. Due to how skiddish she was, I left her and my other slightly timid Orp Pullet in the coop during the day while I let the others free range to spend a little more one-on-one time with them. One day I left my room mate in charge while I was out of town and he let them all out, and she ran for a thicket of thistles and hid in there all day until I managed to block her off from going back in when she finally came out, and encouraged her to go back into the run with the others. She's still flighty 2 weeks later, but at least isn't trying to run thru the fence or run for cover at the sight of people. In her defence, the owners did say they no longer imprint or socialize with their birds as it's too much work given their numbers, but I wasn't expecting her to be THIS flighty. In regards to egg production - she's layed 6 out of 14 days she's been with me. Her eggs are quite small (Medium sized) and light brown. She's friendly around my other birds, but she seems to intimidate them due to her size. I'd love more, but likely not from the same breeder.
Pros: lay very large eggs sweet.
Cons: grow very slowly HUGE
I have one black giant, Penguin, she is very sweet. Let me tell you that they are HUGE when full grown. Roos can be 12-13 pounds, and females 11-12.
Pros: Good layers of eggs even through our northern winters. i have seen 14 lb roosters.
Cons: Slow growing and can eat lots.
A great all around bird for someone who has a little patience to watch them grow. i am a huge fan of this breed.
Pros: Huge & interesting, teddy bear attitudes, very beautiful
Cons: Huge
I have 1 full blooded JG, she is only 4 months old but she's a looker :) and then I have a mixed JG who I love to death!
Pros: Sweet, large eggs, full bodied
Cons: only laid every other day
Loved them! They were so sweet and always ran out of the woods to greet me. They were big enough that the dogs left them alone too.
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Pros: Lays an egg every day, nice brown color. Always talking and giving her opinion.
Cons: None
these chickens are great, smart, always looking for something new to peck at. Gives me one egg a day, each of them. They are black/blue in color. I am a first buyer, so I also bought two leghorns and two RIR's.
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Pros: Good natured, eat little for their size, get along with other chickens, people friendly
Cons: Large size can interfere with high egg yield,
Love mine, Roos have been sweeties and they always get noticed.
Pros: nice temperment, big eggs
Cons: eat alot
I have two and I love them. They are really cool personalities. I wouldn't call them sweet or affectionate, more like chill and relaxed. They let me big them up with no problem, but not because it seems like they like it, more like because they can't be bothered to run away. They are curious, they talk to me, and they like to cuddle with the other chickens at night. I notice them trying to mother younger chicks, but sort of in a mildly bullying way.. like "I want to cuddle, DO IT" peck peck type of way. It's really funny. But they aren't bullies even though their size would allow them to be. I get an egg a day pretty much, but I haven't had them over a winter so I don't know how they lay in the cold. I think I will always have at least a few of these. They are so un-skittish and un-chicken like - it's a fun difference.
Cons: may not fit well in a small backyard coop in an urban seeing
I like my Jersey hens. They are pretty friendly and do well free ranging on my farm.
Pros: Lays HUGE eggs, very protective and broody
Cons: Pecks hard at your finger
I had a Jersey Giant that was HUGE. She was about 9 pounds and ruled the roost, along w/a rooster. She was the first of our chickens to lay an egg, and then started to lay big eggs and eggs with two yolks. She was one hen that everyone, even the roos, knew not to mess around with. Even though she ruled the roost of hens, she never hurt any of them.
Pros: Gentle
Cons: Loud
I have 2, a hen and a rooster. They're a little over 1 now, and almost done growing.
The hen started laying eggs at about 7 months, and shes been laying 1 a day since then. The eggs are great! We don't even buy store bought because she makes so many. The hen is very shy and timid, she watches from the side lines i guess you could say. But shes the first to find the bugs!
The rooster on the other hand is my buddy. He follows me everywhere like a dog, he lays by my chair when we sit outside, he lays in my flower beds when i'm working in them. He knows what the cup looks like that i feed them from. So when i walk out with the cup he runs to me and tries to get the food. He will attack though if i don't feed them fast enough, he also comes when you have another cup in your hand and gets mad its not food, so hes had a few drinks thrown on him.
The only issue i have with him though is every time i'm outside on the phone he crows. He crows all day long, thankfully not at night.
Overall, they're very hardy, healthy birds. They make us laugh and as long as you don't have neighbors who care about the crowing, i think they would be good for a starter flock. They're very self-sufficient. I love my blue jersey giants!
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Pros: Stunning beauty, very hardy, size tends to deter predation
Cons: Those jokers can eat!!
Recently the local dogs have made a few raids on my flock. They never mess with my jersy giant roosters, consequently the hens of smaller breeds(hamburgs and leghorns) who were part of their harems have not been effected, the rest fell victim. Though not a fool proof defense in my experience a flock with a big twelve pounder marshaling the girls is less vulnerable than one without one.
Pros: Beautiful Bird,
Cons: None
awesome chicken, friendly, talks alot
Just found out she was a Jersey Giant. Learned this when I asked about the purple sheen on her feathers, which I learned is likely caused by a problem with diet that will correct. She does have some green sheen now. Was told to look at the bottom of her feet, because a Jersey Giant will have black legs with the bottoms of the feet being yellow, and hers are quite yellow. Can't wait to see her fully mature.
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Pros: Big Brown Eggs. Just plain Beautiful flow.
Cons: Large space to roam and bigger coop.
Ours are going on 6-weeks old and are bigger than our friends. His is reds and black rock mix and 10 weeks old and ours are already 2X's bigger than his. I can pick them up still and pet them. They love food. We give it freely all day long. Keep food out there at all times. We also have Reds and black rock.They are now 11 years old. And they still lay eggs. Looking to retiree them. lol We do not keep a rooster with them anymore.
Mt.Healthy Hatchery, Ohio - - Jersey Giants. early pack -$6.00 - 26 hens $2.84- 1 rooster $1.80 - $9.00 shipping
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Pros: good bird
Cons: none
mine cluck a lot. They are good in confinement, they are alert while free ranging and always see the cat coming before the others do. They are the first to run to me when I come outside with scratch feed for the yard and they are not at all scared to approach you. I cant hold them they wont allow it. They are large birds that do well in the cold and in the heat. Great layers. I would have them again if I lost them for any reason. Their feathers are a crazy irridescent Blue / Green in the bright sun light !
Pros: Great temperment, Unusal bird for non-birdies
Cons: Needs Large coop space if not Free-range, slow developing
My son has been fascinated with the size of the birds for sometime. Recently bought about 6 doz. Black Giant hatching eggs (Of which about 65 hatched out this week). Had the oppurtunity to purchase some adult birds this week and I am so glad I did. They have such a gentle disposition and are such a sight to see strutting around in the yard. I can't wait for the babies to grow up.
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Pros: n/a
Cons: n/a
Would Love to get this bread again they are so call
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Pros: good in winter cold
Cons: really big
takes a lot of room in the coop. but is a big sweet chicken
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