

Leghorn, Italy (hence the name of the bird) had its own native common chicken for hundreds of...
I have two pullets and they are very flght but when i pick them up the are little sweetearts
my leghorn is awsome she follows me around,she also lays a huge egg that dosn't fit in any egg cartons she also lays almost ever day.
Pros: friendly, active,adventurous,curious
Cons: can be very loud if startled, sometimes shy
The Leghorn is a good bird to have if you want a lot of eggs but the Leghorn can be easily startled and once they are startled it can be annoying and the bird can be shy but other than that the bird is a adventurous, friendly, curious and fun bird to have.
Pros: good layer
Cons: They like to fly
I love the leghorn, small bird, doesn't eat much or take up to much room. They lay a very nice big white egg.
Pros: lots of eggs, very calm birds
Cons: non-setters
Perfect for anyone who wants mellow birds that lay lots..lots..and LOTs of eggs. They come in a variety of colors--not just the commercial 'white' and are over all a good sturdy bird.
Pros: Amazing layers, super efficient, good flyers
Cons: not the prettiest of breeds
We got our chicks from the Oregon state fair for free from their hatching demo. They have been amazing, I've had an egg every day since they started laying in January. Ours are friendly, and as we let them free range during the day, my Husband finds it very amusing that they all follow me around as I do chores.
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Pros: lay very regularly
Cons: flighty and not overly friendly
These birds tend to run anytime we get near them but they lay great!
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Pros: Lay great eggs, good tempered, beautiful feathers, I can pick them up and pet them whenever I want.
Cons: Can't think of anything!
I am the biggest fan of leghorns in the world! I think the are the best chickens! They lay wonderful eggs that are big and white. I raised my leghorns since birth and I have taken care of them ever since. I can walk over to them and pet them or pick them up with no problem. I can't wait till we get 7 more this spring!
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Pros: Prolific layers, winter hardy, good-natured
Cons: none
I love my Leghorn hens! They lay the biggest, nicest eggs, and I get eggs every day. They fare wellI in our harsh winter weather, and never stopped giving eggs. I've been told they give approx. 300 eggs per year - but I think I will get more than that. I have no negative reviews for these hens at all. They get along with new arrivals to the flock, and enjoy people. They're perfect!
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Pros: Great layers, don't eat too much, beautiful to look at. Small bodied bird.
Cons: Mine aren't "cuddly" chickens. Many people say their flighty. But if you're like me, you don't really care lol.
I love these chickens. The only way they could get better is if there was a strain that laid brown eggs. If you like a pretty, small, very spunky bird, that lays L-XL white eggs and don't mind the stereotypical standoffish attitude, these birds are for you. I'd like to get more this spring.
Pros: An egg a day from each one
Cons: none yet
I have 3 White Leghorns and they are just as sweet as the rest of my flock. They aren't flighty like I thought they would be.
Pros: beautiful (brown), egg almost every day
Cons: loud and flighty
Our Brown leghorn was a lovely hen to look at, prolific with her egg laying (nearly every day) and sounded like a fishmonger's wife. Our neighbor thought we had a rooster. She was also nearly impossible to catch. If I was in a rural setting, however, I would get another one in a NY minute.
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Hi, I have been serching for 6 brown leghorn female chicks in Canada and I havent found any that ship to my area. Every site I go on it has a order limit of ten or something or doesnt ship to Canada at all. My problem with the order limit is that the district we lives in only alows 6 chicks (FEMALE ONLY). Anyway could someone please help me I need to order before spring ends!!!!!

Thanks: TheLegman
Pros: Very well at laying
Cons: VERY flighty
Leghorns will almost provide an egg a day, though they are very flighty unless handled when chicks
Pros: great egg layers, very curious
Cons: bossy with my other birds
I have 6 white leghorns and love them, they lay eggs year round though they did slow down a bit in the winter but we put a heat lamp in the coop to keep them warm and we still had a few eggs everyday. When I go to the coop they have to be right there watching everything I do. My favorite hens May and June will sit on my back when I collect eggs. They do tend to be a bit bossy with my Reds and Astrolorps but generally they do really well with eachother.
I've had a leghorn before, a male (Junior). He wasn't the best but he was I guess okay. The females were great. I am happy I had my leghorn boys, and girls. I still have some, but wish I had more.
Pros: Very tough, great personality, great egg layers, super smart
Cons: none :)
These are beautiful, great chickens. The first chicken I ever got was a leghorn in 2010, at a feed store,and she is now an amazing hen named Lily. When she was a chick, she got badly injured/ almost eaten by a hawk that managed to get into the coop, but she was extremely tough and lived.
She's currently a happy, gorgeous hen with an attitude, and she's my best friend :) she's very funny... if you feed her the same leftovers (ex. pasta) for a few days, on the third day she'll start eating the pasta, freeze, spit it across the lawn and wipe her beak all over the ground....
Leghorns are also very intelligent and independent;They're great egg layers that do not go broody- Lily lays a huge white egg every day, even in the winter
I have had no problem with free ranging Lily, not sure about other Leghorns but Lily does not try to fly even though I do not clip her wings, she is also very clean and pretty quiet (and vain- often grooms self)
overall, great chickens, I would recommend getting a few! They will brighten your lives :D
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Pros: Great personality, sweet, an egg every day
Cons: eggs are small
Miracle got her name because I had to chase down my cat Oopsy and pry her out of his jaws when she was just a few days old. I kept her in my bedroom for a few days to heal up a leg wound and she's been my special little hen-pet ever since. Very bright and curious, she flies up on my shoulder or lap when I'm out side. A beautiful bird with a proud upright tail, she lays an egg every day although it is on the small side.
Pros: Amazing egg layers, awesome curious personality
I started off with two wonderful leghorns. They are amazingly sweet, beautiful, cuddly animals. They are curious and get into a lot of trouble (which is why I now have only one. RIP Flash). Now a year old, getting an egg everyday from my leghorn. Wish I had a few more!
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Pros: good layers
Cons: can sometimes be agressive towards others especially new pullets
overall a good chicken and if they keep themselves clean very pretty. but they can be prone to pick on the younger ones since they tend to be lower in the pecking order
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