
Mini Cup Automatic Waterers

Enables container to be re-used as a flexible drinker for any breed of bird. Its unique...
Pros: Easy to Install, plenty of water available all the time!
Cons: You HAVE to put PVC glue around the threads as you install or it will leak.
My chickens did not catch on very quickly to chicken waterer cups, so I began to search out an automatic solution that would provide lots of water in our hot climate. I found the Mini Cup Waterer at Fleming's and purchased two immediately! They were simple to install to a 5 gallon bucket, but leaked. So we untwisted the unit, applied PVC glue and waited overnight. Worked like a charm. The birds have been using them for 3 months with no leakage problems. Off to buy more for the new babies!
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Pros: None
Cons: Doesn't work
I installed this on a covered bucket and it works as advertised. If you put it on a bucket with a lid and use the supplied filter, I don't see how it would plug up. Every couple of days I will take a towel and wipe out the cup to get rid of any debris that the chickens might kick up into it and that's about it. I do have the bucket mounted high and the chickens have to use a step to drink out of it. I am thinking of a way to cover the cup so I don't have to wipe it out as often. Shouldn't be too hard to come up with something. Try one, you'll like it.

So, after living with this for a while, I experienced the over flow phenomena that the other reviewer had. It happened right after cleaning it. I had spun it upside down to dump the water out of the cup like they show in their video and when I filled it back up it just kept coming out.
I emptied it out and turned it over to find 2 small screws holding it together. I took it apart to see how it worked and found a small float that rises with the cup water level and seals the the hole that fills the cup. I figured the float just got stuck and was not sealing the hole so I put it back together and it worked again. From now on I will be more careful cleaning it and if it ever sticks again just try tapping on it to unstick the float.
Still like it better than nipples for our coop!

I left my original review but I checked the water today and the cup was dry....I took it apart and cleaned it, put back together and it started to overflow again....I'm done with it.
Pros: easy install
Cons: overflows with in a week
This is useless for chickens. The internal mechanism clogs within a week and causes the entire water container to leak out. There is no way to prevent or fix this because the valve is inside the molded together component.
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