

The original Orpington, the Black, was developed in England in 1886 and brought to the US in...
Pros: very dedicated to hens and very polite to humans
Cons: a bit clumsy when mating-hens often get wounded
I love my buff and spangled orpingtons- I call the hens my fat ladies and the rooster Angus is very friendly but looks after his harem very well
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Pros: Very friendly, don''t peck at the others
Cons: none!
They fell asleep in my hands since day three! they are cute and lovable. They are only chicks yet, so don't know on the eggs.
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Pros: Nice, Friendly, Positive and F-U-N.
Cons: ......
We got ours a few weeks ago. We got them from our local Cal-Ranch, and they are great. Not laying yet, they are still too young, but we love them. They're built big, but are so sweet. I recommend these to anyone. Whether you have 214246454546438409245024762365424546423454664 chickens or are just starting to want some, Orps are the way to go. <3.
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Pros: Friendly, Gentle roos, great egg layers, Perfect starter chicken.
Cons: I really can't think of one!
I just love my 2 buffs. They are sweet, great egg layers. Awesome babysitters that took to new chicks like they had hatched them. My friend has a buff roo that I love too. He's got a low mellow crow and he is good with the hens! He's protective with predators, but will let any person fool with the hens. I LOVE Buffs!
Overall they are great first starter chickens and my hen even comes to her name! (sometimes!)
She'll sit in my lap and let anyone fool with her! I really like my buffs. Totally would tell ANYONE to get
They costed around a dollar.
this breed.
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Pros: gentle birds, beautiful coat, good moms
Cons: not great layers, maybe too passive
We had 5 buff orpingtons - all extremely gentle birds which layed relatively small eggs. One went broody and hatched 3 eggs - she was a very protective mom
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Pros: Sweet, friendly (great with kids), soft, fluffy, good brooder
Cons: Can get broody, not an overly productive layer
We have a mixed flock (Marans, Ameraucanas, Orpingtons, a Silver Laced Wayandotte, a Black Australorpe, and Barred Rocks), and of all the birds, the Orpingtons are sweetest in temperment. They will come right up to you and let you pet them, hold them, love on them...you get the picture. They are super soft and fluffy, which the children love!

So far this spring, my favorite orpington lays about five days a week? But I know them to get broody (which I think is a benefit, frankly--brooding chicks is a pain in the rear, why not let a Mama who WANTS to sit on them do the work for me!?), so if you're looking for a production style layer, she is probably not it. They are LOVELY to look at, especially with the darker birds in the flock!
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Do all colors of orpingtons lay basically the same color egg, i.e. the light brown?
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Pros: Good broody hen, cute chicks, good egg layer, nice, and fluffy!
Cons: none!
I this is the best breed I've ever had. I love them so much. they are very tame, though I've never been so lucky as to actuallyhave one follow me around, though my friend had one that was like a dog. The roosters are nice as long as you don't put them with other roosters, at least that is my experiance.
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Pros: Calm, Friendly
I've had a couple of this breed and they are great for the small backyard. Decent size to be around kids and good egg layers.
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Pros: She's friendly...
Cons: Too friendly ;-)
She's adopted my ducks, comes over to their run every day, and sticks her head in to drink their water and swipe feed if the bowl is close enough to the edge of the run ;-) She's snuck in with me a couple of times, and I have to shoo her out (mild chicken allergy, and I'd like to keep it that way! lol) Otherwise, she is keeping them company during the day... hehe
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Pros: quiet, cold hardy, large eggs
Cons: shy, picked on others, few eggs
She was beautiful. Very loud. Her egg were double yolkers, when she decided to lay.
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Pros: Friendly, Mellow, Great Layers, Meaty, No Flying
Cons: Nothing
We have had our "Buffys" for years and I love them. They are friendly (sit in your lap to be petted), have never been aggressive with my young son, and are consistant layers of great big brown eggs. No complaints at all.
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Pros: Beautiful, great foragers, tame personality, cold and heat hardy, sick hardy, friendly birds, great fluff and feathers!
Cons: larger bird, bantams might not do well with the breed, roosters can be harsh on smaller hens, mites are attracted!
These birds are one of the most awesomest and prettiest birds I have owned. I currently only own 1 and her name is Pancake, she is the sweetest bird there is, her heavy weight does not stop her form foraging and getting along with the other hens and roosters, these chickens can make great moms, egg layers, etc. They are also easy if you have an unwanted rooster, there is meat on them. Great birds, very recomended, and easy to care for, maybe not for the smaller coop but just think every 3 regular birds you could have probably about 2 of these fully grown!
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I love my Buff orps. One thing though, because they're so docile, they're usually at the bottom of the pecking order. I have four buffs, but some are higher in the pecking order then the others. Goldie is pretty high up there, Spice is kinda in the middle (she'll get a good peck on the head if she gets in someone's way), and Pumpkin and Nutmegan are at the bottom. Poor things have almost no feathers on their wings. Overall, I give this breed an A++
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Pros: Sweet, protective,
Most of my Buffs are sweet, including my Rooster. He takes great care of the whole flock. He is a great daddy too. I have 6 laying hens and 2 of them lay for 2 weeks before they take a day off. The others lay 6 days a week. They make great mama's too. My rooster has taken on 2 hawks. He is the best rooster. He truely is a blessing. I am hoping his son's are just as good as he is.
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Pros: Very easy to handle sweet chirp
these are the sweetest little things! We are beginners and a buff lover was (luckily) shopping at the same time we were when choosing a breed. She said they were hardy and kid friendly, good layers too. They have already remembered me and every time I leave them, I hear them cheeping for "mama" ! Keeping them in the kitchen in a brooder box for now, coop design underway. Excited!
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Pros: Extremely handsome bird, Very Hardy
Cons: Sterotypical Chicken
I have no actual cons for the Orpington. I own one Orpingotn rooster. He's the big bird on the farm. He protects and cares for everyone. He's a great rooster and he's won several shows and as even been asked to use as stud. Orpingtons are those birds you almost always see on the farm, and I thinks it's because of how hardy and good looking they are.
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Pros: Sweet, Good egg layers, Quiet, Docile
Cons: None
Love my Orpingtons. I recommend them to everyone, especially people with children. They are sweet and friendly birds.
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My buff chickens are big and still growing , they are nice but do not like to be man handled. still havent laying yet and they are 5 months
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Pros: Gentle giant
Cons: Haven't run into any yet
I adore my Buff Orpington. She is gorgeous and is so gentle. I like her so much, I ordered a dozen mixed Orpington eggs just so I can have more like her.
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