

Sir John Saunders Sebright created this tiny ornamental bantam in the early 1800's having the...
Pros: my favorite
Cons: none so far
Ive owned these little guys when I was a teenager. Didnt know what I had until later on when I came across a couple in Abliene Texas. I bought them for 10.00 at a yard sale. I seen them in a little cage out by the garage and the ol gentleman said , " They are for sale " , I ask how much? He said make me an offer and lets see so I said 10.00? He said hmmm SOLD! Well I really wasnt expecting to suddenly own a pair of golden sebrights. As I loaded them into the back of my car and was prepareing to leave the ol gentleman yelled out hey boy dont forget the rest. I was like what? He waved me to the back yard and there were 6 more golden sebrights and 10 silver. He winked at me and said today was my lucky day. Well when I got home I didnt know what I was gonna do to the neighborhood I lived in wasnt zoned for chickens. Well when I put them in a wired windowed shed with no door to which I added some welded wire some 6-8 ft out made a door to get into the little yard and fenced the top so critters couldnt get in I was happy and nervous. My wife I figured would freak out but fell in love and so did the neighbors. In a couple years time most of the neighborhood had atleast a pair until we all were notified we had 10 days to get rid of the birds. We tried to find a way to keep them but lost to the city. So now Im out in the country living happily and I want me some more Sebrights. My email is [email protected] hope to hear from someone soon and if you live out of state or more than a 100 miles from where I live let me know as I live in San Angelo Texas and I will check and see if I can pay for the shipping and handling fees . The fees very so hope to hear from ya soon
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Pros: just plain fun to watch
Cons: shy and flighty...Roos LOUD!
I have (had) 3 golden sebrights and they have been an endless source of entertainment. I started off getting mine with a bunch of other chicks at a farm store, not knowing what was what. I ended up having 2 Sebrights in the mix, a male and female. They were the tiniest, cutest things you'd ever see and ended up a couple and BOY did they rule the roost. They have NO CLUE they're soo tiny! (the rest are bantams of different breeds). Did someone say FEARLESS. Believe it! They will protect their own to the end if need be. We had to put our sweet little roo down when he became aggressive after a fox took out 4 members of his flock. He started to attack any thing and any one who dared to get near his "people". We were sorry to have to do it because he was an intelligent, fun bird before the attack of the fox. the little female, Miss Thing ( she thinks SHE IS the Thing), aka Missy, became the head hen. She doesn't like to be picked up, but if you do hold her, she will cuddle and even give beak "kisses" to me on my nose...funny. She LOVES to talk to me and sometimes will come up to the patio door and "knock" on it with her beak if she wants to see me or get a treat. She's very cheeky and will sometimes follow me into the house and demand something to eat. Needless to say, sh's been a joy (and yes, sometimes a headache).
My third little one was a girl whom we rescued. Lacey was my little grandson's and he came running to me telling me she was dying. She was and the other birds had attacked her. To make a long story short, I nursed her back to some health although she had a lung condition that put a strain on her whole little body. She was a year old when I got her and had never laid an egg, but a couple of months after we got her, she laid her first one. She eventually became a Mom and raised 2 beautiful little roos from adopted eggs. She was a bright, sweet, loving AND appreciative little girl,unfortunately, we lost her this Fall to her condition...she is greatly missed.
Would I own more Sebrights. Yes, in a heartbeat. The Roos ARE loud, but the birds are bright, perky and down right characters. They're plain fun to watch.
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Pros: Sweet, friendly, VERY CUTE, lays adorable eggs
Cons: A little skittish, only lets you hold them when THEY want
They are my favourite breed.

It all started out when a friend who had VERY shy Silver Sebrights gave us maybe fertile eggs. So we put them under our broody Dominique.(Note: the dominique is a very docile breed) It took 21 days, then we had to replace the first batch of 6 eggs. So we got 4 more eggs. We waited 21 days, constantly checking the broody hen. Finally, on day 22. My brother was collecting eggs, and noticed peeping from where the broody hen was. He checked under her, and saw this cutest little chick. He called me over, and I looked, and I was so thrilled. So I moved them away from the rest of the flock, and watched as the chick grew up. The Dominique hen was so careful taking care of her tiny chick. Once chick was a month old; we took the hen and her chick and put them with the rest of the flock. Thankfully, the hen was near the top of the pecking order. But on the first day she was fighting to protect her chick.

Then came the time when the chick fledged, before she was VERY skittish, but at fledging time I could catch her sometimes. Without the protection of her mother, she started to get picked on. So I started hand feeding her some of our turkey food(this was made up of: rice, eggs, and milk), away from the others. It started becoming a routine that she would fly up on my hand when I held the food. But she was taking alot of my time. So, I put the food bowl in our mudroom, on a trash can, so she could eat while I did my other chores. She quickly became accustomed to that, and when she was done her food she'd call me. Then she started flying on to my knee when I sat down to watch the chickens and she would just sitting there, preening, and eventually sleeping. Once the standard sized hens notice I found favoure in her, they let her be near the top of the pecking order. So our friend gave us a Silver Sebright cockerel and pullet; that one of her sebright hens raised. They were very shy compared to Vanilla (The sweet sebright). The standard birds also let them be near the top. The rooster became argressive to other chickens, and became buddies with the two chickens(1 roo, 1 hen) that one of my Golden Crown hens raised. The two new birds started becoming accustomed to me and let me hold them now and then. Vanilla still has the same routine(except it's bread this time because we sluaghtered the turkey). Both sebright hens are laying. And most of all, Vanilla is sweeter every day.

So, I suggest, if you want them, you get hatching eggs and and either hatch them your self, or give them to a calm, docile, broody hen.

Here are my Sebrights:



Pros: does lay eggs, can be broody, very pretty, friendly, fast, all around good bird
Cons: gets cold easily, is prone to being picked on, occationally skittish
i got 2 silver sebrets last year. they were best friends until one jumped in the duck pool. then the other seemed to iscolate herself and the other birds are too big too like her. she was a little skittish ut i worked with her and now she's so friendly that shes willing to sit on my shoulder. also during the winter she refuses to go out because of how cold intallerant she is.
just a little while ago she layed her first egg and she seems pretty broody with it. its kind of humorous because it seems too big for her. shes very talkative and loves attention but shes not loud. i am going to get her a couple friends this year because i love how sweet she is.
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Pros: Tiny and alert
Cons: wary of strangers
My Silver Sebrights are friendly little birds, that are alert and very active. They free range, and get along with my large fowl and other banties. The roosters don't realize that they are banties, because they court the Large Fowl hens and don't back down from the LF roos.
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Pros: Pretty colors, Alert little roosters
Cons: Flighty
My little rooster is the toughest rooster I have he has taken on one of my turkey hens, no fear!
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Pros: They have lots of personality. Roosters are bold, but don't attack and are protective of their ladies. Beautiful birds regardless of quality.
Cons: Flighty, but with regular handling they can be tamed down. Not the best egg layers, but do well for their size.
When I first saw these birds I instantly fell in love with them. My first ones were from a hatchery, and despite their faults they were beautiful birds. When I finally bought some from a breeder I could see a major difference in size, appearance and attitude. Nonetheless, both were amazing little birds. Crowing is somewhat high-pitched. Very social, too. My roosters each have a favorite hen and start to worry if they cannot find her and vice versa with the hens.
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Pros: Gentle Roosters, Great at Posing for Show, Below Average Crowing, Love Treats, People Friendly, Great Camera Posers, Thrive in groups of 2 or more.
Cons: Can be Shy at First,
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Pros: Neat coloration
Cons: easily preyed on, flighty, not for free ranging
I had 4. They slowly disappeared. I had the gold version. Mine were flighty and could really fly. Often they would be in the trees. They didn't survive the test of not becoming predator chow, and because they are so small any predator could of taken them. Mine didn't get along with the rest of the flock.
It was cute while it lasted.
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Pros: Very proud, active and beautiful birds
Cons: Screeching crow
I have golden and silvers and I have been in love with this breed since I was a kid. Some people say that they are fragile as chics but I have raised hundreds though the years and have not experienced that at all. The roos are hen feathered and can be a little loud. They love to crow and crow and crow. The sound is very high pitched and carries a very long way. I wouldn't recommend them for those who have sensitive neighbors.
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Pros: Striking color, cute little white eggs, good broodiness, excellent foragers
Cons: Silver color prone to predation from birds of prey
Some of the sweetest little roosters I've ever had who knew their job well. Some can be mean little suckers though.

The hens lay well for being bantam, mine averaged 4-6 eggs a week. Cold hardy with the rose comb.

I had both Silver and Gold.
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