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  1. M

    How cold is TOO cold for a chicken?

    Quote: I would recommend more chickens. I have electricity in my coop, and I have a cord running outside and lights on a timer... to add light to their "day" and so I can see where I'm going. Don't want to step on the birds! But they're 13w compact fluorescent bulbs, so they give off light...
  2. M

    How cold is TOO cold for a chicken?

    Quote: ..and aye, there's the rub... we *did* have temps in the 70's just a handful of days ago and now we're looking at sub-freezing for 2 days. Gotta love Texas, and thank heavens I do! Then yes, I wold definitely add some heat! I'm sorry y'all are going through this... I hear from...
  3. M

    How cold is TOO cold for a chicken?

    Just have to watch out for frostbite on the combs and wattles (and feet) when it's that cold in the coop... but the do just fine.
  4. M

    How cold is TOO cold for a chicken?

    Your silkie will be fine if it has somewhere to go to get out of the elements.
  5. M

    How cold is TOO cold for a chicken?

    Quote: You did good! I've found that adding protein to their diet during their molt helps them move through it a little easier/faster. Not everyone has access to it, but we have a lot of salmon and halibut in the freezer from our summer fishing trips... boil up some of that, let it cool just...
  6. M

    How cold is TOO cold for a chicken?

    Thank you for resurrecting this thread... hopefully it will answer the newbie questions!
  7. M

    How cold is TOO cold for a chicken?

    We're working on day 9 of -20 to -30F temps. That's the range... -20F as the high. It's staying at about 10F in the coop. Only problems have been the 3 month old babies... not quite used to getting their feet off the cold, cold floor yet. Most of them have come back into the garage until the...
  8. M

    How cold is TOO cold for a chicken?

    I knew there was a reason I liked you Lynne! I have my remote sensor for my weather station in the chicken coop, so I've got temps, wind chills, humidity, barometric pressure, the works! I have the base at my desk upstairs, so I can see what the temp is in the coop at any time of the day...
  9. M

    How cold is TOO cold for a chicken?

    Quote: Wow I guess they can take the cold. I worry since my brother's banty froze to death one year when it was about 5°F. The banty spent the night in a bush rather than the coop with the rest. My SO went through a lot of work to make a draft free, dry coop but the girls don't mind sleeping...
  10. M

    How cold is TOO cold for a chicken?

    I have now given up on keeping the water from freezing. I take out fresh water 3-4 times a day now. The heated base works great with the 3 gallon galvanized aluminum water font. It is currently -27°F outside, and only 8°F in the coop. The water in the font is not frozen. The birds are all...
  11. M

    How cold is TOO cold for a chicken?

    I would LOVE it if it got a little warmer. When I worked on the North Slope, we left our diesel trucks running 24/7, so they wouldn't freeze up. To this day I hate the smell of diesel on icy cold air.
  12. M

    How cold is TOO cold for a chicken?

    -9F/-23C here this morning, and everyone is outside just a scratching away! (No extra heat)
  13. M

    How cold is TOO cold for a chicken?

    Quote: Mine did, and I've caught a couple of them eating the snow. They don't like the deep stuff, though... if you can keep an area shoveled, they'll be more likely to go out in the run.
  14. M

    How cold is TOO cold for a chicken?

    Silkies will use a roost if it's only maybe a foot off the floor. They can't fly well, so they prefer to stay close to the ground. Mine will all roost on the perch that's 12" off the floor, and use that to hop into the nest box which is about 2' off the floor. They do like to huddle next to...
  15. M

    How cold is TOO cold for a chicken?

    ...morning, if they've left any water in the cups, that will be frozen. But once I pop out the ice, they work all day. The rest of the coop is insulated and draft free, but not heated. The bottom line? Everyone is fine, even my quail. *edited because I can't spell this early in the...
  16. M

    How cold is TOO cold for a chicken?

    Quote: Victoria - I may have missed it in all the pages of this thread, but do you know how low the temps in your coop get at night? If it's -6 outside (which is just mind boggling to me, BTW!), is it also that cold inside the coop? And if not, how much warmer is it? Many thanks Penny Hi...
  17. M

    How cold is TOO cold for a chicken?

    Quote: Wow... that's the first I've heard of a chicken possibly dying from the cold, though at +35F that shouldn't have been a factor. It's possible there was something else going on, healthwise, with your roo... I'm sorry for your loss! Now, the bantams are smaller, and therefore retain...
  18. M

    How cold is TOO cold for a chicken?

    Oh, I don't know about that... I've seen some winters when Michigan and Minnesota were WAYYYY colder'n us!
  19. M

    How cold is TOO cold for a chicken?

    I say we all do an experiment, and see how cold our chickens can get this year.
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