I have a few pullets that are now around 10 weeks old for $40.00 each
Some that are just 2 weeks old (unsexed) for $20 each
A dozen eggs in incubator that will be hatching in a week
They will all be either blue or splash
6 mos old Bresse rooster
Fed non gmo non soy -- $25.00 firm
Also have a 9 week old Bresse Rooster $15.00
fed organic chick starter
Located in Grantville, PA
20 mins east of Harrisburg Pa
3 hens 1 rooster. But they are belgian liege fighters, so im thinking they are slow maturers. 🤷 I just don't want to waste time incubating if they are iffy.
I have a couple Buff, Light, and 1 Dark Brahma Roosters for sale. $25 ea
They are all hatched from eggs I bought locally. I do not need these extra roos. I would condsider trading for Australorp, BJG or Black Copper Marans hens of similar age.
Located in Grantville, Lebanon county, Pa
If anybody would like to critiqe these 2 Bresse that'd be great. Im new to the breed. I'd like to try to stay as close to the standard as possible. You cant hurt my feelings. If they suck no biggie I will fire up the crockpot! :D
I thought the same. The person I got the eggs from thinks possibly one pure. He had some Death Layers, American Bresses and I think barred rock. So who knows really.