Thank you everybody for you input.
Karens Q's:
I am not building to sell and I have had max 16 birds in the space( all bantams).
aart Q's:
Yes it can be moved. The runs detach and fit on a regular size trailer, the coop has a floor, and I'm selling it because I need to downsize my flock. The...
I have a coop that is two coops in one. The entire coop itself is 12ftx5ft. Left side coop is 4ftx5ft and the right side is 8ftx5ft. Both the runs attached are 10ftx5ftx4ft. It doesn't look as nice as it works, security wise and coop basics. How much would you pay for it. I really need help with...
Thank you for the suggestions but if I had checked earlier I would have tried but they are at a new home now. My friend knows somebody that has a family farm and I brought them to them today. Thank you though.
My neighbors have complained to the town about "high pitched roosters" which are my silkies. The guy said that I have to do something about the noise because in my town from 10pm-7am no noise can be over 55 decibels. The roosters lowest is 58 so I have to get rid of them or we can get a citation...
I was in the situation also and I didn't take my polish out I took the bullies out so when I put them back they are lower in the pecking order. It worked out really well.
This is the best thread ever. My god would I change a lot of things. The main thing I would change is the height of most of my runs. I only have 1/4 that is 6ft tall. I hate having to bend over but I got a little cheap and didn't spend the money to build it right. Also I would want to make the...
So I have a black silkie rooster in with four mille de fluers. I got a broody and decided to hatch out chicks. Three just hatched today and all three of them are black. Why haven't I gotten any other colors. Is the silkies color Gene dominating the milles. I have no clue if what I just said is...
Thank everybody for your info. To clarify a couple things i got all EE chicks, they all don't have combs yet, and the lump on its chest was huge. Around goofball size and watery until we put them outside and that's when is slowly started to get harder and harder.
So I ordered 7 Easter egger chicks from MPC in early April. My order was 6 hens and one roo. They are now around 7 weeks old and no sign of a rooster. I really want another roo especially an EE. I have had a large fowl rooster and he had sign of being a roo at around 3 weeks. I'm curious if EE...
Just wanted to see if anybody is from around where I am. I know a few people that have chickens around my neighborhood, 5 to be exact, and it's just cool to see there set up and their birds!!!!!
I have always wondered this. Do the chicks know if they are a male or female. Do the other chicks know who is what. I don't think there is a answer but it never hurts to ask.