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  1. Lechugapicante

    Old hen - Any tips to keep them happy?

    Thank you for your responses! These are all great tips. She is an interesting bird! A few years ago she came back from a molt looking super fancy! I actually posted on here and received some skeptical responses. Some thought that it wasn't the same bird, haha! Others theorized that she had...
  2. Lechugapicante

    Old hen - Any tips to keep them happy?

    Hi all, I have an older disabled hen, 8 years, blind with coordination issues. I have to keep her isolated so I worry about her. I do move her to a separate enclosure once a day for some yard time. One question I have is if I should hold her on my lap regularly. She was never a cuddler with me...
  3. Lechugapicante

    Older hen with neurological symptoms

    Hey! Just following up that she hasn’t recovered her eye sight. My other hen never fell to any of the same symptoms. I assume it was either an infection/bacteria/virus only she was susceptible to, a tumor, or a stroke. She continues to struggle with coordination and getting her to eat and drink...
  4. Lechugapicante

    Older hen with neurological symptoms

    She’s hanging in there but no improvement in symptoms. Still uncoordinated, cannot find her food bowl without me tapping on it when I feed them. I’ve been mixing pellets with water and giving that to her also because she isn’t drinking or finding the water bowl on her own. I have to move her...
  5. Lechugapicante

    Older hen with neurological symptoms

    Update 2.5 weeks since intervention: she’s hanging in there but no noticeable improvement in her eye sight or coordination. I’m totally at a loss about what happened and giving up hope I’ll be able to help her. I’ve been trying to train her by tapping on the food and water bowl when i set them...
  6. Lechugapicante

    Older hen with neurological symptoms

    Update 10 days since intervention: It seems like she has more energy, talkative and walking around, but I’m not as confident that her eye sight is improving unfortunately. Rather, I think that she’s adjusting to not being able to see and is listening for the food bowl and getting comfortable...
  7. Lechugapicante

    Older hen with neurological symptoms

    Update a week since intervention: It seems like her eyesight is improving! I am tentatively jumping for joy! Shes continuing to get nutrients added to her water daily, layer feed, grubs, and an egg every other day. I cut out the yogurt because I didn’t want to upset her stomach by overdoing...
  8. Lechugapicante

    Older hen with neurological symptoms

    Oddly a few years ago after a molt, she came back fancier than ever: copper, shiny, saddle, and sickle feathers! She stopped laying and grew spurs, but she was her usual self otherwise. I assume something happened to her hormone production which caused her to transition. She’s a funky hen now!
  9. Lechugapicante

    Older hen with neurological symptoms

    Totally possible. I have one other bird with no symptoms, just her usual self. They free range so something happened while I wasn't home; though, it doesn’t seem like she was attacked by anything, no wounds or ruffled feathers. I don’t know if she can see out of the other eye or not but she...
  10. Lechugapicante

    Older hen with neurological symptoms

    We’re now day 3 into intervention with multivitamins and making sure she’s eating and drinking. She’s very lethargic, only standing or laying down in the run. She eats and drinks when I present her with food and water but it seems like she can’t see. Her head bobbing has decreased but I think it...
  11. Lechugapicante

    Older hen with neurological symptoms

    Ok, thanks! I got Vit e and B1 tablets. Yes, her crop is emptying over night.
  12. Lechugapicante

    Older hen with neurological symptoms

    Yes, it seems like she can’t see and I’m helping her eat and drink. I’ll syringe too! Thank you!
  13. Lechugapicante

    Older hen with neurological symptoms

    Hi BC friends! I’ve got a 7 yo Copper Maran having neurological symptoms. Over a couple weeks I’ve noticed her standing off by herself more and being a little clumsy. Yesterday I noticed an odd head bobbing behavior, like she’s caught in a loop. She’s uncoordinated and seems like she can’t see...
  14. Lechugapicante

    Wound healing advice needed - Chickens wound turned black!

    This is the wound following a epsom salt soak today.
  15. Lechugapicante

    Wound healing advice needed - Chickens wound turned black!

    It doesn’t smell but it’s weeping again, no real color, just wet looking. She’s even more herself this evening. - eating, scratching, pecking, hanging out with her other chicken pal.
  16. Lechugapicante

    Wound healing advice needed - Chickens wound turned black!

    Hi BC friends! I’ve got a 7 yo Copper Maran sweetie recovering from flystrike. The short: my chicken has a 3 in x 3 in wound, large but not deep, that since catching it three days ago and cleaning it up has turned completely black. Is it healing? Do i need to remove the black? Should i be doing...
  17. Lechugapicante

    Wound healing advice needed - Chickens wound turned black!

    Hi BYC friends! I’ve got a 7 yo Copper Maran sweetie recovering from flystrike. The short: my chicken has a 3 in x 3 in wound, large but not deep, that since catching it three days ago and cleaning it up has turned completely black. Is it healing? Do i need to remove the black? Should i be...
  18. Lechugapicante

    My hen’s feathers changed color!

    Ghoulie has crowed in the past but hasn’t as much the past few months actually. I don’t know if it’s related to this seemingly hormonal change or the season! I’ve also been home a lot more so my birds get to happily free range rather than squak about being cooped up in the run!
  19. Lechugapicante

    My hen’s feathers changed color!

    Right?? I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t watch it slowly happen!
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